


美式发音: [ˈtʃekˌpɔɪnt] 英式发音: ['tʃek.pɔɪnt]



复数:checkpoints  同义词

n.barrier,turnpike,frontier,border,spot check



1.(边防)检查站;边防关卡a place, especially on a border between two countries, where people have to stop so their vehicles and documents can be checked


n.1.a place where traffic can be stopped by soldiers or popce

1.检查点 cheaply adv. 便宜地,廉价地 checkpoint n. 检查站 cheek n. 面颊,没礼貌的行为 ...

3.关卡 checkpoint gene 关卡基因 checkpoint 关卡 cheiropterophily 翼手媒[用于植物学] ...


5.检测点检测点(checkpoint)和恢复周期(recovery interval): checkpoint不是用于检查数据是否完整,页面连接是否正确的,他是由系统 …

6.细胞周期检查点细胞周期检查点checkpoint)是细胞周期(cell cycle)中的一套保证DNA复制和染色体(chromosome)分配质量的检查机 …

7.校验点28. 引入校验点checkpoint)事件和校验点进程的原因?该事件是在当DBWR进程把在SGA中所有已经改变的数据库高速缓冲 …

8.点公司所有MS7820均配备标准EAS电磁天线,与美国保点公司Checkpoint)和先讯美资公司(Sensormatic)的防盗系统兼容,实 …


1.At the time of this writing, Checkpoint is definitely on the pst, along with NVDA, TARO, and a few other swingers.在我写这个时候,检查点软件公司股票符合这些特征,NVDA,TARO和其它几个公司波动都很厉害。

2.The Checkpoint value shown above is not actually read from the log file header, but it is displayed as if it were.以上显示的检查点值并非实际读取自日志文件头,但可以如此显示。

3.Sebastian Schnuelle checks one of his dog's paws as as he prepares to leave the Nikolai, Alaska checkpoint March 9.塞巴斯蒂安Schnuelle检查他的狗的爪子之一,他准备离开尼古拉,阿拉斯加检查站3月9日。

4.To a certain fraction on into the next checkpoint, if the die into a chain, out of Games.到一定分数就进入下一关卡,如果变成死链,游戏就完了。

5.A masked interpreter shares checkpoint duty in a Pashtu-speaking region where the Punjabi-dominated army is not always welcome.一名戴着面具的翻译在普什图语地区分担检查的工作,因为以旁遮普语为主的部队在这里并不总是受欢迎。

6.It was close to midnight, and he and a half-dozen peers at the checkpoint stood around our car on the snowy mountain road.那时已接近深夜,他和其它六个人在围绕着我们的汽车,站在一个布满雪花的山路上,眼睛凝视着检查站。

7.Witnesses said the killers left a flag at the checkpoint, the black flag of the Islamic State of Iraq.目击者称,歹徒在检查点留下了一面旗帜,是伊拉克伊斯兰国家的旗帜。

8.You know -- you can incrementally checkpoint the drop column command as it is going along.你可以在删除的时候增加检查点。

9.Specifies that the checkpoint file is always used and that the package restarts from the point of the previous execution failure .指定始终使用检查点文件,包从上一次执行失败的点重新启动。

10.Strive to have checkpoint sessions with the end user at least as much as you do with management or other stakeholders.争取与最终用户一起举行检查点会议,举行的次数无论如何不可少于与管理人员或其他参与者举行的会议的次数。