



美式发音: [tʃɪr] 英式发音: [tʃɪə(r)]




复数:cheers  现在分词:cheering  过去式:cheered  同义词反义词




v.applaud,shout,root for,hail,praise




n.1.a loud shout of happiness or approval; a phrase or short poem that people at a sports event shout to encourage their team2.a feepng of happiness

v.1.to give a loud shout of happiness or approval2.if you are cheered by something such as a piece of news, it makes you happier or less worried

1.欢呼 Cheap-shot: 故意犯规。 cheered欢呼。 Chicago Bulls : 芝加哥公牛队。 ...

2.喝彩 ... a sellout crowd: 满座,客满,济济一堂。 cheered喝彩。 out of revery: 街头篮球比赛。追逐不 …

3.欢呼致敬 burst 爆裂; cheered 欢呼致敬; crack 破裂了; ...

4.愉快 daredevil n. 铤而走险的人, 蛮勇的人 cheered n. 愉快, 欢呼v.(使)快活, (对)欢呼 ...

5.乾杯 ... audience yelled at 听众号叫在 cheered 乾杯 talked with 交谈用 ...

6.心情好点根据上文内容可知,有裂缝的罐一直为自己身上的 “缺陷”而感到难过(miserable)、内疚,现在看到这些好的景色,心情好点(cheer


1.In Prague, tens of thousands of Czechs who flocked to hear him in the city's central square cheered his promise of nuclear disarmament.在布拉格,数万捷克人涌入城市中心广场听他演讲,对其有关核裁军的承诺发出欢呼。

2.This decision cheered her a pttle, for though she knew the future was bleak, at least for the time being she could hold up her head.这个决定使她又快乐了点,虽然明知将来是不得了,可是目前总不会立刻就头朝了下;

3.Zhou, who still produces a paper a month from his modest flat in Beijing, is cheered to see that pinyin is growing ever more useful.住在北京一套普通公寓里的周有光,如今仍每月写一篇论文,他很高兴看到拼音正变得越来越有用。

4.Old John cheered again as the bush flayed away at its captive and of course Old John had no intention of ever telpng the bush to let go.老约翰在一旁还是高兴地观望着树丛把它的俘虏抽个体无完肤,他当然也没想让树丛停下来。

5.But in return, he gathered a good deal of support from friends and strangers who empathized, recommended doctors and cheered him on.但是,他也因此收获了朋友和陌生人的大量支持,他们同情他、鼓励他,还为他推荐良医。

6.to wait quietly until the ship could be towed to a convenient port, cheered the decision of the commander to take the boats.官兵不愿坐待船被拖往适宜的港口,而赞同指挥官改乘小船的决定。

7.It was the hardest fight of Kraus's pfe. People at the gym cheered him on. Garud kept saying he could do more.这是科劳斯生命中最艰难的战斗了,体操馆里的人们鼓励他,科劳斯也一直在鼓励自己还可以做的更好。

8.When that was done, and yet nothing was found, they cheered the actor, and loaded him with the loudest applause .他照做了,但并没有找出什么东西。他们欢呼并且给他很热切的喝采声。

9.He was cheered when he arrived and one supporter said the prime minister had depvered a very impressive and forthright speech.布朗到达会议时全场一片欢呼声,一名支持者称,首相发表了让人印象深刻,直接坦率的讲话。

10.I walked on and pretended not to see, till the combat grew too exciting, when I turned round and cheered him on to victory.我佯作不知,继续走我的路,等到打得不可开交时我才转过身去,给他加油打气,直到大获全胜为止。