


美式发音: [ˈbelˌhɑp] 英式发音: [ˈbelˌhɒp]





bellhop— see alsobellboy


n.1.a person whose job is to carry peoples bags to their room in a hotel

1.旅馆的行李员 bell boy: 门童 bellhop: 旅馆的行李员 binman: 清洁工,垃圾工 ...

2.旅馆侍者 Hotel: 酒店 bellhop旅馆侍者 usually: 通常 ...

3.旅馆的侍者 ... auditor 听者,收听者,稽核员 bellhop 旅馆的侍者 binman 垃圾工,清洁工人 ...

4.旅店的行李员 baseball player: 棒球选手 bellhop旅店的行李员 binman: 干净工,渣滓工 ...

5.行李小弟 ... Valet parking 代客停车 Bellhop 行李小弟 Guest room 客房 ...

6.行李服务员 ... 行李车厢 train of baggages 行李服务员 bellhop;bellmans’bell boy 行李员 porter ...


1.John: Good morning. This is John Smith in Room 123. I'm getting ready to leave. Would you send a bellhop for my bags, please.约翰:早安。我是一二三号房的约翰.史密斯。我准备要离开了。请派一个行李员来搬我的行李,好吗。

2.How much should we tip the bellhop?我们该付给使者多少小费?

3.She helped arrange a bellhop to bring my big heavy suitcase up to my room.她帮我安排了一个旅馆服务生把我又大又沉的手提箱搬到了我的房间里。

4.A. The bellhop will show you to your room. Thank you.服务员会带您去您的房间。谢谢。

5.The bellhop will take your luggage upstairs.男服务员会把您的行李拿上楼。

6.The bellhop will help you carry the suitcases to your room. Have a nice evening!行李员会帮您把箱子送到房间,祝您晚安。

7.Thank you, sir. You'll be staying in room 1910. Here are your keys. The bellhop will take your luggage upstairs. Have a nice stay, sir.谢谢你,先生。你将在1910号房间度过这三天,这是钥匙。服务员会把您的行李搬到楼上的,祝您住得愉快,先生。

8.Your room number is 707. Here is your key . The bellhop will help you to carry the suitcases to your room. Have a nice evening.您是在707房间,这是门钥匙。行李员会帮您把箱子送到房间。祝您晚安。

9.I'll have the bellhop see to your bags.我会让行李员给您拿行李的。

10.You will be staying in room 1910. Here are your keys. The bellhop will take your luggage upstairs. Have a nice stay, Sir.您将住在1910房。这是您的钥匙。男服务员会把您的行李拿上楼。先生,祝您住得愉快。