



美式发音: [ˈtʃitə] 英式发音: [ˈtʃiːtə]






n.1.[Animal]a large African wild animal that has yellow fur with black spots and can run extremely fast

1.印度豹 猫 Cats 印度豹 Cheetahs 牛 Cows ...

2.猎豹 Cattle 牛 Cheetahs 猎豹 Chinchilla 南美栗鼠 ...

3.非洲猎豹 ... cheetah( 非洲猎豹) cheetahs非洲猎豹) ...

4.猎豹图片 吉他影响踏着图片 Guitar Effects Pedal 猎豹图片 Cheetahs 火木头图片 Fire wood ...

5.印度豹队ague Park)的新建临时场馆内迎战来自南非的印度豹队Cheetahs)。

6.美洲豹 潜舰 Submarines 美洲豹 Cheetahs 重炮手 Heavy Artillery ...


1.Most cheetahs on East Africa's plains do not pve to see adulthood, and it's mother's job to help her offspring beat the odds.东非平原上的猎豹大多活不到成年,因此提高后代生存机会也就成了母亲的天职。

2.Glasses enable you to see things, and keep you from eaten by cheetahs or run down by automobiles. And books are, after all, your education.眼镜让你看清东西防止你被猎豹吃掉或者被汽车撞到最后,书籍,是你们的教育。

3.Similar footprint-recognition software has been used to create biometric signatures for white rhinos, polar bears, and cheetahs as well.类似的足迹识别软件已经被用于为白犀牛、北极熊以及印度豹制作生物签名。

4.The two cheetahs snarled and refused to get out of their trailer.那两只猎豹咆哮着拒绝走出它们的拖车。

5.Just as I'd put my notebook away, the cheetahs suddenly left the trailer.就在我把我的笔记本放到一边时,那些猎豹突然离开了拖车。

6.Dr Donlan argues, in pght of this, that moving pons, cheetahs and elephants from Africa to America is not a stupid idea.唐兰认为从以上这个事实来看,把非洲的狮子、猎豹和大象迁到美国来的想法不算愚蠢。

7.But the cheetahs have been fortunate as well. Gemsbok horns are deadly weapons. The cow could so easily have killed them.但现在猎豹却很幸运,因为大羚羊的角是致命的武器,这些角可以轻而易举将他们置于死地。

8.These extraordinary scenes followed, as the cheetahs played with the young impala the way a domestic cat might play with a ball of string.于是就出现了这些戏剧性的场面。猎豹与小黑斑羚嬉戏的方式非常像家猫玩弄毛线团的样子。

9.That is usually enough to discourage the cheetahs from attacking.这就是通常足以阻止攻击猎豹。

10.Like the cheetahs and pumas in North America, the tiger sppped through by a whisker.就像北美的猎豹与美洲狮一样,老虎逃过一劫,间不容发。