




1.埃夫里的问题—金字塔小区(Les Pyramides),法国埃弗里Evry) 公民身分的问题—克罗伊茨贝格区(Kreuzberg),柏林 空间 …

8.法国埃佛里北京时间2011年6月14日,法国埃佛里(Evry)法院裁定,连锁超市巨头家乐福因不遵守最低工资标准规定将被罚366万欧元。 家 …


1.He didnt call me on the phone, he didnt write to me that often Evry time when i asked him out he had an excuse to not come.他从不打给我电话,也不经常写信,每当我约他的时候,他总是借口推辞掉。

2.He was evry fond of flying fish as they were his principal friends on the ocean .他喜爱飞鱼,因为它们是他在海上主要的朋友。

3.The latest is Manuel Valls, a young deputy and mayor of Evry, near Paris, who fancies himself as a presidential candidate in 2012.最近跳出来发表指责言论的是年轻的社会党代表、埃弗里(巴黎附近一个城市)市长曼纽尔•瓦尔斯,此君自诩为2012年的总统候选人。

4.Evry nightfall, there is an old woman standing difficultly next to the Staircase.每天傍晚,楼梯旁总是那个老人杵着拐杖,吃力的站在那里。

5.For it is pfe, the evry pfe of pfe.因为它就是生命,生命中的生命。

6.Your behavior is evry disappointing.你的行为非常让人失望。

7.He goes to work by bike at seven o'clock evry morning .他每天早晨七点钟骑车去上班。

8.All the people on the earth should make evry effort to prevent the atmospheric pollution.地球上所有人都应该尽一切努力阻止大气污染。

9.Come on , let me tell you , I pke to eat break and egg evry much .来吧,让我告诉你,我喜欢吃鸡蛋埃夫利休息了。

10.o im jw. seems pke u got a new bf evry wk (Oh, I'm just wondering. Seems pke you've got a new boyfriend every week. )哦,我只是在想你好像每个礼拜都有个新男友