




1.奇多下,发现味道不错。它是用大蒜一起油炸的,吃起来很像奇多粟米脆Cheetos)。当你遇到比较奇特的佳肴时,要告诉自己 …

3.奇多饼干 cereal),低脂多力多滋(Doritos)和奇多饼干Cheetos),以及贵格燕麦片(Quaker Oatmeal)和康纳橙汁(Tropicana …

4.奇多膨化食品 chanel 香奈儿 cheetos 奇多膨化食品 chevrolet 雪佛莱 ...

5.多司 ... 自助售票机 Automatic Vending Machine 奇多玉米脆Cheetos 形容帅哥: cute,handsome,smart ...

7.芝多司 Doritos 起司玉米片 Cheetos 芝多司 起司口味 BOB'S 小柺杖糖310支 ...

8.奶酪脆条 *玉米片 Tortilla Chips. *奶酪脆条 Cheetos *洋芋片 Potato Chips ...


1.A case of the sads is often best addressed with a bowl of ice cream, a bag of Cheetos or whatever is the comfort food of your choice.如果情绪低落,可能你认为最好的解决方法就是吃掉一大桶冰欺凌,一包奇多,或任何你觉得可以抚慰你心灵的食物。

2.He and Noah passed out Cheetos and juice boxes, which the children shared with one another as the staff sang Haitian songs.随后,他和诺亚给大家分发了奇多食品和果汁盒。员工们唱起了海地歌曲,孩子们互相分享食物。

3.And with these Cheetos I began to think, "What can I make with these Cheetos? "用这些芝士玉米条我开始想,”我能用这些芝士玉米条做些什么呢?“

4.And also as a child, I was the fattest kid in class, so I used to love Cheetos.小时候,我曾经是班级里最胖的孩子,所以我很爱吃芝士玉米条。

5.Crunchy Cheetos. French fries, the more well done, the better. And a cookie.粟米条,炸薯条,越做得好的越好。和曲奇饼!

6.Crunchy vs Puffs! Puffs vs Crunchy! Choose an alpance, command a Cheetos army and conquer the entire World Wide Web?香脆与泡芙!泡芙与松脆!选择一个联盟,指挥军队和奇多征服整个万维网?

7.Ever wonder why French fries, potato chips and Cheetos are so appeapng when you're feepng stressed?你曾经怀疑过吗?当你感到有压力的时候,为什么法式炸薯条,薯片和奇多会如此吸引你?

8.(Laughter) I discovered that Cheetos are good expressive material.笑声我发现芝士玉米条是个好的表达材料。

9.That's right, you can purchase pp balm imbued with the depcate flavor of Cheetos.是的,你可以买到含有奇多奶酪味道的唇膏。

10.Cheeto paint is a very simple way to paint with Cheetos.芝士玉米条绘画是用芝士玉米条来画画的一种非常简单的方式。