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1.杰米 Grayson 格雷森 Jaime 海梅 Aidan 艾丹 ...

3.方珈悠 Osfryd 奥斯弗德 Jaime 詹姆 Shagga 夏嘎 ...

5.贾米 Bevan 贝文 Jaime 杰姆 Jamal 杰墨 ...


1.His lordship's head was buried in her breasts, his hands locked around her hips. Jaime cleared his throat. "Lord Jonos. "伯爵大人将头埋在她的双乳间,双手环绕着她的臀部。

2.Jaime Schopfpn, a spokesman for Facebook, said the company's current projects included "deeper integrations with some manufacturers. "该公司发言人JaimeSchopfpn称,公司现有项目包括“与部分制造商深化融合”。

3."What about this village here, between the Teats? " Jaime tapped the map with a gilded knuckle.“双乳峰中间这个村子怎么办?”詹姆用他的金手指敲了敲地图。

4.Jaime Caruana, general manager of the Bank for International Settlements, is convinced it should not.国际清算银行(BIS)行长杰米-卡如纳(JaimeCaruana)相信,不应该这样做。

5.Knots and tangles, Jaime thought, wishing he could cut through all of it with one swift stroke of his sword.真是一团乱麻,詹姆想,希望自己能干净利落地一剑砍断这些乱七八糟的玩意儿。

6.Through the gathering blue dusk Jaime gpmpsed fresh thatch upon a score of roofs, and doors made of raw green wood.在逐渐聚集的深蓝暮色中,詹姆瞥见一排屋顶上新铺的稻草,还有一排新鲜木头做成的房门。

7.Jaime Perlman, the art director of British Vogue, actually calls some of the vintage pieces in her wardrobe "Elaine dresses. "英国版《Vogue》的艺术总监杰米·帕尔曼直接把自己衣柜中一些复古裙装叫做“伊莲裙”。

8.In an interview with the FT last year, Aguinaldo Jaime, the country's deputy prime minister, stressed that China was one of many partners.安哥拉总理助理部长阿吉纳尔多-雅伊梅(AguinaldoJaime)去年接受英国《金融时报》采访时强调,中国是其众多合作伙伴中的一个。

9.He was not quite so tall as Jaime, but he was heavier, with thick shoulders and arms that would have made a blacksmith envious.他没有詹姆那么高,但是块头更大,宽厚的肩膀和粗壮的手臂会让铁匠都感到嫉妒。

10.The boy met Jaime by the stables, with a bedroll slung over one shoulder and a bundle of scrolls beneath his arm.男孩在马厩里见了詹姆,肩膀上随意的扔着一卷铺盖,胳膊夹着一捆卷轴。