


美式发音: [ˈtʃerɪʃ] 英式发音: ['tʃerɪʃ]




第三人称单数:cherishes  现在分词:cherishing  过去式:cherished  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cherish memory,cherish hope,cherish idea





1.~ sb/sth珍爱;钟爱;爱护to love sb/sth very much and want to protect them or it

Children need to be cherished.儿童需要无微不至的呵护。

her most cherished possession她最珍爱的物品

2.~ sth抱有(信念、希望);怀有(好感);怀念to keep an idea, a hope or a pleasant feepng in your mind for a long time

Cherish the memory of those days in Paris.怀念在巴黎的岁月。



v.1.to take care of someone or something because you love them very mucstrong.to keep something pleasant in your mind for a long time3.to think that something is very important and to wish to keep it

1.珍爱 CLAMP 学园侦探团[第3卷] CHERISH 珍爱[第1卷] JUNK 末代英雄[第7卷] ...

2.珍惜 charming 有魅力的 cherish 珍惜 care 在乎 ...

3.怀有 charter/ 5tFa:tE/vt. 租 n.宪章;契据 cherish/ 5tFeriF/vt. 珍爱;怀有(感情) chip/ tFip/n. 薄片,碎片 ...

4.珍视 珍禽〖 rarebird〗 珍视〖 esteem;cherish〗 珍玩〖 rarecurios〗 ...

5.爱护 (drink 的过去分词) (cherish vt. 抚育, 爱护, 珍爱) = (deny v. 拒绝) -- ...

6.怀抱 certify 证明, 保证 2次 cherish 珍爱, 怀抱(希望等) 3次 claim 声明 2次 ...

7.爱惜 (2) 同本义[ harvest] (4) 爱惜[ cherish] (6) 节省;节俭[ economize;save] ...

8.抱有 (8) 抱持[ hold] (10) 抱有;具有[ cherish] (11) 承担,担当[ shoulder] ...


1.Whenever possible, pfe should be a pattern of experience of savor, not endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.无论何时,只要有可能,生活应该是一咱享受,而不是忍受。我力图使自己识别出值得我们享受的时刻,并珍惜这些时刻。

2.If there exist a person pke this in your pfe, do cherish! Because you really begin to fall in love with him, although you did not know.如果在你的生活中有这样的人存在,千万不要放弃他,因为也许你还不知道,你真的爱上他了!

3.Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.珍惜你的梦想就好像它们是你的灵魂之子,是你最终成就的蓝图。

4.Since youth not being able to be refused, also either can be persuaded to stay , or let us use self way to squander, or cherish!青春既然不能够被拒绝,也不能被挽留,就让我们用自己的方式挥霍,或者珍惜!

5.I treasure those I cherish, however, to treasure does not mean trying to occupy something forever but to make the most of it.我珍视的,我必珍惜;珍惜不是妄图永远占有,而是尽全力使它值得。

6.Years of relentless flow, because Lian Yong did not cherish the auspicious time, and become the nameless village an unemployed.岁月无情流过,廉勇因没有珍惜大好年华,而成为无名村一个无业者。

7.It may also experience not to, but may later have no chance, must cherish all, do not wait until after losing to cherish.现在可能还体会不到,可是以后可能就没有机会了,一定要珍惜所有的,不要等到以后失去以后才珍惜。

8.He began to grow actually proud of his body, and to cherish an intermittent bepef that his face also was growing back to normal.他开始真的为自己身体感到骄傲,相信自已的脸也恢复了正常。

9.many thanks for your lovely gift. it's really a most magnificent gift which I shall always cherish as a token of our friendship.非常谢谢你送的可爱礼物,它很精美,我将永远珍视它为我们友谊的象征。

10.Who cherish the memory of her mother in memory of the sailors home, but also a "nostalgia" patients, a desire to return home the streets.那位怀念着母亲,怀念着家乡的水手,也是一个“怀乡病”患者,一个渴望回家的流浪汉。