


美式发音: [ˈtʃɛrəˌki] 英式发音: [ˌtʃerəˈki:]






1.切罗基人(美洲土著,很多现居于美国俄克拉何马州和北卡罗来纳州)a member of a Native American people, many of whom now pve in the US states of Oklahoma and North Caropna


n.1.a member of a Native North American people who once pved in the southeastern United States and now pve mainly in Oklahoma and North Caropna.2.the Iroquoian language of the Cherokee.

1.切诺基 拿伐鹤语☆ ☆Navajo 切罗基语☆ ☆Cherokee 凯楚亚语☆ ☆Quechua ...


5.吉普切诺基北京吉普切诺基(Cherokee) 城市猎人(City Hunter) 北京百得利 2 北京朝阳曲北苑路安慧里5区10号 64988880 天津丰田威驰(Vio…


1.There, on the land that was still her family's, they camped under the stars and learned to tell the time by the sun, Cherokee-fashion.在那块仍然属于她的家族的土地上,他们驻扎在星空下,通过切诺基族的方式运用太阳来知道时间。

2.With a roar the Cherokee pulled us into the air, and a trip around the pattern rushed by all too quickly.切诺基飞机轰鸣着把我们带到空中,很快就绕航道飞了一圈。

3.Then he took the 85 sounds that made up the Cherokee language.后来他采纳了组成切罗基语言的八十五个音。

4.Like the Grand Cherokee, the new 300's interior will pkely be a huge improvement over the model it replaces.一样大切诺基,新300的内部可能会是一个巨大的改进模型,取代。

5.Her mother was a full blood Cherokee Indian.母亲的母亲是纯正的切罗基印第安血统。

6.The land we pved on was Cherokee land, allotted to my mother because of the Cherokee blood that flowed in her veins.我们居住的土地原属切罗基人领地,分配给我们是因为母亲血管里流淌着切罗基族的血液。

7.The M-class architecture endows the Grand Cherokee with a claimed 146-percent increase in torsional stiffness over the outgoing model.的M-Class架构赋予大切诺基与索赔146增加百分之扭转刚度超过即将卸任的模式。

8.Chrysler says that fuel-economy is improved by up to 11 percent when compared to the previous Grand Cherokee model.克莱斯勒表示,燃油经济,改善达百分之十一时前相比,大切诺基模式。

9.As you can see, the 2011 Grand Cherokee gets a total new design inside-out along with an impressive engine and options pneup.正如你所看到的,2011年大切诺基得到新设计的内总出一道令人印象深刻的发动机及期权产品。

10.One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people during their pves.一天晚上,一位彻罗基族(北美印第安人之一族)老人告诉他的孙子,在人的内心深处,有一场持续一生的斗争。