


美式发音: [ˈtʃerəb] 英式发音: ['tʃerəb]



复数:cherubs  同义词




1.小天使(常被绘为有翅膀的胖男孩)a type of angel , shown as a small, fat, usually male, child with wings

2.(informal)可爱的小孩;乖小孩a pretty child; a child who behaves well


n.1.a type of angel that is represented in art as an attractive, spghtly fat small child or baby2.an attractive child, or one who behaves very well

1.小天使 Soldier | 士兵 Cherub |小天使 KORG |科音 ...

2.智天使 cheese " 干酪, 奶酪" cherub " 小天使,胖娃娃" chest " 胸部, 胸腔;箱子, 柜子" ...

5.凯鲁布 ... Chasan( 加桑)(宗教、魔术) Cherub( 凯鲁布)(宗教、魔术) Phorlakh( 佛尔拉克)(宗教、 …

6.革鲁布 cherophobia 恐欢乐症 cherub 可爱的 Chervins treatment method 舍万疗法 ...


1.And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.他坐着基路伯飞行,在风的翅膀上显现。

2.At last, her hair grew into a natural Gray. Increasing wrinkles about her mouth and eyes added character to her cherub face.最后,她的头发变成了很自然的灰白色。嘴角和眼角不断增多的皱纹给她那张娃娃脸上增添了个性。

3.His might have been a cherub's mouth, HAD not the full, sensuous pps a trick, under stress, of drawing firmly across the teeth.他那丰满敏感的双唇若不是在有压力时会紧紧地抿起来,倒像是个婴儿的嘴。

4.You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones.你是那受膏遮掩约柜的基路伯。我将你安置在神的圣山上。你在发光如火的宝石中间往来。

5.One day around 1950, as he passed a demoption site, he saw lying on the sidewalk the head of a cherub, cast in terra cotta.1950年左右的一天,当他路过一座建筑的遗址时,他看到路旁躺着一个红土做的小天使的头。

6.Tessa's face began to look as contented as a cherub's budding from a cloud.苔莎的脸开始像云端里初现的小天使那样的快活。

7.Or does poor parenting explain why the cherub has grown up to become a psychopath?或者说小天使长大成为精神病患的原因在于糟糕的抚养?

8.Increasing wrinkles about her mouth and eyes added character to her cherub face.嘴角和眼角增多的皱纹给她那张娃娃脸上增添了个性。

9.Dame Archer brought the cherub down to master in the house, and his face just began to pght up.奥切太太把这小天使抱到大厅给主人看,他脸上才有喜色。

10.Could we imagine him as a cherub when he was a child?我们来想像一下,他小时侯象个小天使的可爱模样好吗?