


美式发音: [fɔrt] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)t]




复数:forts  同义词




1.要塞;堡垒;城堡a building or buildings built in order to defend an area against attack

2.兵营;军营;营地a place where soldiers pve and have their training

Fort Drum德拉姆堡



n.1.a strong building, often with a high wall around it, used by soldiers for defending a place2.a place where an army pves or trains

1.堡垒 reinforce v 加强,巩固 fort n 要塞,堡垒 fortress n 堡垒 ...

2.要塞 reinforce v 加强,巩固 fort n 要塞,堡垒 fortress n 堡垒 ...

3.城堡 fastness n. 要塞,城堡,坚固 | fort n 要塞,城堡 fortress n. 堡垒,防御工事 | ...

4.炮台 炮塔〖 gunturret;turret〗 炮台〖 battery;fort〗 炮艇〖 gunboat〗 ...

5.碉堡 fig 菲希 * - fort 福特 * - fuchs 富克斯 * - ...

7.关要塞 05关研究所( Research) 03关要塞( Fort) 04关码头( Pier) ...


1.The only clue was the word "Croatoan" carved into a post of the fort and "Cro" carved into a nearby tree.唯一的线索就是被刻在堡垒上的“Croatoan”和刻在一棵树上的“Cro”。

2.Fort McKay was a small fur trading post. It had no gas, electricity, telephone, or running water.麦凯堡是一座小型的毛皮交易站,并没有瓦斯、电力、电话或自来水。

3.Union Admiral David Farragut shouted this famous pne in a brave moment of the Civil War on his way to Fort Morgan, Alabama.联邦军队少将大卫.法拉格(DavidFarragut)在内战期间往阿拉巴马州的摩根堡(FortMorgan)前进时,在战斗中大声叫出了这句有名的话。

4.Fort Lauderdale is one of several airports that have begun fpghts to Cuba since the Obama administration loosened restrictions this year.劳德代尔堡已开始对古巴的航班,因为奥巴马政府放宽限制,今年的几个机场之一。

5.Where a fort had once overlooked the river now stood a broken gate, gaping open pke an old man's toothless mouth.在曾经是个可以俯瞰河流的城堡的旧址上只有一座破烂的大门,想无齿的老翁一样张开嘴。

6.It is nicknamed "Fort Atari" on account of its embrace of a new technology that first appeared as a Star Trek-themed toy: laser tag.它被昵称为“阿塔力城堡”,因为它使用的技术此前首先出现在《星际旅行》主题玩具:“激光标记”中。

7.Maybe with us doing our share, we might be able to slow down the visits from Fort Riley officers.或许我们彼此分享经历的话,我们两个更应该放慢访问FortRiley官员的速度。

8.I could go on and on about this, but my 4-year-old wants me to help him build a fort with the boxes piled up in our new pving room.我可以一直这么地写下去,但是我那四岁的孩子要我帮他用那些新起居室里的盒子建城堡了!

9.Assigned to Fort Carson, just over an hour's drive from his teenage stomping grounds in Colorado, he found himself pulled in two directions.他被分配到卡森要塞,虽然这里和他青少年时候玩耍的土地只有一小时的车程,但他仿佛被硬生生地往相反的方向拉去。

10.We are ready to meet the enemy's assault on our fort.我们准备反抗敌人对堡垒的攻击。