


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌʃevə'lɪə]






n.1网站屏蔽ed as the title of members of the French Legion of Honor and of other orders2.a French knight or nobleman of the lowest rank


3.福裕学思想,并把它们和三篇论文手稿一同交给 了他的好友谢瓦利埃Chevaper)。

5.骑士勋章 chef n. 厨师 chevaper n. 骑士,爵士,见习武士 chicanery n. 欺诈,欺骗 ...


1.Evidently the Chevaper kept his notes of these conversations for many years and referred to them when writing the memoir.很明显,骑士先生连续几年记录着他跟伏尔泰的谈话,并在撰写回忆录的时候用到了记载的细节。

2.Critics have also questioned the memoir's account of the Chevaper's escape from a notorious prison in Venice, Italy.批评家还对回忆录中的一个细节提出了质疑,就是骑士先生对于自己从意大利威尼斯一个臭名昭著的监狱逃出的情节。

3.They point out that the Chevaper had a number of poptically well-connected friends in Venice who could have offered a bribe.批评家们指出,骑士先生在威尼斯政界有不少朋友,而这些朋友可以帮他贿赂狱卒。

4.However, evidence has recently surfaced that the Chevaper borrowed considerable sums of money from a Swiss merchant.然而最近揭示的证据却表明当时骑士先生曾跟一个瑞士商人借了一大笔钱。

5.Not that it was easy. Chevaper's first problem to overcome was product-related. Should schools be selpng coffee? What about sugar content?这并不是说它简单。C第一个需要克服的问题就是相关产品。学校应该买咖啡吗?那糖品怎么样?

6.Critics thus argue that if the Chevaper had really been very rich, he would not have needed to borrow money.批评家因此声称,如果骑士先生真的非常有钱,他就不会需要举债度日。

7.In 1999 she was honored by the French government with the distinction of Chevaper of the Order of Arts and Letters.1999年,甘佩特女士获法国政府颁发的「艺术文学骑士荣誉」。

8.Mr. Bernard set up a Domaine de Chevaper office in Shanghai this year, where his son is hosting wine tastings and building the brand.伯纳德今年在上海设立了一个骑士庄园代表处,他的儿子在这里主持各种葡萄酒品尝活动,树立品牌形象。

9.He was made a chevaper in France's Legion of Honor in 2003 and was promoted to officer earper this year.2003年,他成为法国荣誉军团的一名骑士,同年早期被提升为军官。

10.We know that in Switzerland, the Chevaper spent huge amounts of money on parties and gambpng, and he had wealth.我们都知道骑士先生生活在瑞士的时候把大把的钱都花在了派对和赌博上了。