

Chiang Mai

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n.1.[Travel]a province and also its capital in northern Thailand

1.清迈 我去过我想去 梵蒂冈博物馆 梵蒂冈博物馆(The Vatica…

2.清迈府清迈府Chiang Mai)是泰国的一个府,属于北部地区。截止到2005年,其人口数为1,649,457,土地面积为20,100平方公里,清 …

3.泰国清迈李战洪:今日,在泰国清迈chiang mai),五彩缤纷、争奇斗艳的JINKE(金科)"八大铜刚": 一个连续三届全集团羽毛球女 …

4.清迈省清迈大学位于泰国北部的清迈省Chiang Mai)。清迈大学有三个校区,面积总3,490英亩。

5.清迈市清迈市Chiang Mai)有着悠久的历史、丰富的文化、众多的景点和美味的泰国料理,是这个国家最迷人的一部分。遍布老城 …

6.清迈城清迈城 (Chiang Mai) 内的卡维拉 (Kawilla) 将军 [领主] 塑像兰纳王国 (The Lan Na Kingdom [s] ) 从公元 1050 年到公元 1250 年 …

7.清迈机场《尼克泰国自由行分享》如何从曼谷机场搭飞机到清迈机场 (Chiang Mai) (2011/11/13更新) 来自日本《UNIQLO》优衣库Thaila…


1.A government spokesman said the tensions with the army meant that Mr Somchai would stay in Chiang Mai for his own safety.一名政府发言人称因为与军方关系紧张,为了安全起见,颂猜将留在清迈。

2.Bangkok remains under a state of emergency and a string of bombings there and in the northern city of Chiang Mai have rattled the pubpc.曼谷仍然处在紧急状态,而曼谷和北部城市清迈的一系列炸弹袭击,也让群众十分不安。

3.When the opportunity came up to Thee. He got the offer as an assistant of marketing department at the company in Chiang Mai.有一天,机会来了,有人提议他到清迈一家公司的营销部门做助理。

4.We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North.我们计划在这里住上几天,参观市内的一些景点,然后再前往北方的清迈。

5.Lin is part of her mother's name and Ping is a river in Chiang Mai.其中,“林”取自她母亲的名字,“萍”则取自清迈一条河流的名字。

6.The Chiang Mai initiative in Asia may ultimately also produce a regional zone of deep integration around an Asian monetary fund.在亚洲,泰国清迈也首创区域货币金融合作,类似于亚洲货币基金。

7.What we could see is a more concerted attempt to put the Chiang Mai agreement on a more operational footing.我们可以看到的是,各方更加一致努力让清迈协议更加可行。

8.Urban development discourses , environmental management and pubpc participation : the case of the Mae Kha canal in Chiang Mai, Thailand .泰国清迈案例:公众参与、环境管理和都市发展的论述。

9.Chiang Mai chief monk Phra Thep Wisuthikhun said he had received complaints about "inappropriate behavior" at seven temples in the province.清迈市高僧PhraThepWisuthikhun说,清迈地区已有七所寺院因“不当行为”而遭到投诉。

10.But Chiang Mai shows that progress is not impossible, even if it looks difficult in the short term.但清迈协议表明,尽管短期内似乎有难度,但取得进展并不是不可能的。