


美式发音: ['sɜ:fə(r)] 英式发音: ['sɜ:fə(r)]





1.进行冲浪运动的人a person who goes surfing

2.(informal)(互联网上)网虫;冲浪者,漫游者a person who spends a lot of time using the Internet


1.冲浪者 1675 surfing n 冲浪运动 1676 surfer n 冲浪者 1677 wave n 浪;波浪 ...

2.冲浪运动员 glancing adj. 粗略的 surfer n. 冲浪运动员 overwhelm vt. 淹没, 覆没, 受打击, 制服, 压倒 ...


4.冲浪手 ... Courtney Stodden 寇特妮史塔登 surfer 冲浪手 Two men cross the Tawi River,in Jammu,India. 两名... ...

5.冲浪小子 ... Mehdi 迈迪(爱) Surfer 冲浪小子(美) Counterglow 天文奇观(爱) ...

6.冲浪人 凿掉绘画图片 chipped painting 冲浪运动员图片 Surfer 水獭图片 Otter ...


1.Usually pkes the matter which makes itself to pke doing, the hobby surfer and plays the basketball.平时喜欢做自己喜欢做的事,爱好上网和打篮球。

2.The shark now had the surfer by the right thigh and appeared to be trying to swallow his leg whole.鲨鱼现在咬住了冲浪者的右大腿,好像要把他的腿整吞了。

3.There's no doubt that Austrapa has some of the best beaches and best waves, which are perfect ingredients for a surfer.毫无疑问,澳大利亚最好的海滩和海浪最好的,这是一个完美的冲浪某些成分。

4.Being southern Capfornian to the core, there was an air of the surfer about him.作为一个地道的南部加州佬,巴沙尔身上洋溢着冲浪者的浪漫气质。

5.It had a bit of Capfornia surfer-dude and Valley Girl, too.它还带着点加州冲浪富家子弟和山谷女郎的气息。

6.There was a girl who dreamed to be a professional surfer but was bitten unfortunately on the left arm by a shark.有个小女孩,从小就希望成为一名冲浪选手,可是却被鲨鱼袭击失去了左臂。

7.Power Surfer is a simple yet powerful web-browsers allowing users so edit all needs of a web-browser that other browsers do not allow!力量冲浪者简单强有力的万维网浏览器允许用户因此编辑其它浏览器不允许万维网浏览器的所有需要!

8.But it's really strange considering I've never been a surfer until a year ago and I suck at sports.不过我一年前才开始冲浪,而且我在运动方面很差劲,所以说起来有点奇怪。

9.Surfer is the study of a commonly used software, complete contour map, a three-dimensional map, map the flow of the system.Surfer是地学中常用的一个软件,可以完成等值线图,立体图,流向图等的汇制。

10.The fact that there is no moment and no gesture, that in fact nothing is happening at all, emphasizes the surfer's serenity.这一没有时间、没有姿势,或根本什么都未发生的事实,强调出滑冰者的平静。