



美式发音: [ˈtʃɪkən] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɪkɪn]




复数:chickens  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.eat chicken,kill chicken,hatch chicken,raise chicken

adj.+n.skinless chicken





n.1.【动】鸡; 小鸡2.【食】鸡肉3.〈非正式〉胆小鬼4.〈俚〉小孩儿; 黄毛丫头,指缺乏经验,涉世未深的年轻人5.【游】胆小鬼游戏,一种比试胆量的游戏6.懦夫博弈,指一种骑虎难下的局势,双方势必相互僵持直至一方妥协1.【动】鸡; 小鸡2.【食】鸡肉3.〈非正式〉胆小鬼4.〈俚〉小孩儿; 黄毛丫头,指缺乏经验,涉世未深的年轻人5.【游】胆小鬼游戏,一种比试胆量的游戏6.懦夫博弈,指一种骑虎难下的局势,双方势必相互僵持直至一方妥协

adj.1.〈非正式〉胆怯的; 胆小的

n.1.[Animal]a bird kept for its eggs and meat2.[Food]the meat of a chicken3.<informal>sb. who is not brave enough to do sth.4.<slang>sb. regarded as lack of experience5.[Game]a game played in which the winner is the person who continues doing sth. dangerous the longest6.game of chicken; a situation in which two groups or countries threaten each other until one gives the other what they want1.[Animal]a bird kept for its eggs and meat2.[Food]the meat of a chicken3.<informal>sb. who is not brave enough to do sth.4.<slang>sb. regarded as lack of experience5.[Game]a game played in which the winner is the person who continues doing sth. dangerous the longest6.game of chicken; a situation in which two groups or countries threaten each other until one gives the other what they want

adj.1.<informal>showing a lack of courage, or too scared to do a particular thing

1.鸡 Molluscs 软体动物+ Chickens = Birds 鸟类+ ...

2.小鸡 ... famous adj. 著名的, 出名的, <口>极好的, 令人满意的 chickens n. 小鸡, 小鸟, 鸡肉 thai n. 泰国人, 泰国语 ...

3.鷄鳮鸡 筑 ancient lute;build 鷄 鳮 鸡 chickens;domestic fowl 赱 㞫 walk,go on foot;run;leave ...


7.鸡炮如果想要体验更多乐趣,可以瞄准滑车发射“鸡炮”(Chickens)把滑车打到散架,或者在滑车起步之前在轨道上放置板条箱。最 …


1.B: hard to say, his childhood with love and small animals, often raise a number of chickens, ducks, pigs, character should be very mild.乙:很难说,他小时候喜欢和小动物在一起,经常养一些鸡,鸭,猪等,性格应该很温和。

2.she had some fresh eggs, thanks to her chickens, and he always used to say that she made omelets better than anyone else.多亏了她那几只鸡,还有一些新鲜的鸡蛋。他过去总是说她做的煎蛋饼比谁做得都好。

3.The investigation found a history of exposure to dead chickens in his home within the week prior to symptom onset.调查发现他在症状出现前一周内有与家中的死鸡接触史。

4.It had never occurred to me that I could blow the interview because I didn't know enough about chickens.我从来都没有想到,自己会因为不了解鸡的问题而把面试搞砸。

5.With a measure of good sense, a spat between the U. S. and China involving tires and chickens won't devolve into a trade war as well.从好的方面来看,中国和美国之间关于轮胎和鸡肉的纷争将不会演变成一场贸易战。

6.The girl went into the chicken house, again, the next day. There was a racket again, as the chickens were frightened.第二天小女孩又钻进了鸡窝里,鸡群受到惊吓,又是一片混乱。

7.'Bixby, you'll have to look out for President's Island and all that country clear away up above the Old Hen and Chickens.比克斯比,你应该注意一下总统岛,老亨和鸡群镇上游那儿地面上的东西全都被水冲掉了。

8.On top of this, I began to see frightened, innocent cows, chickens, and pigs where I once had seen hamburgers, wings, and bacon.除此之外,我眼中开始从过去所吃的汉堡、鸡翅、与熏肉中,看得到惧怕与无依的牛、鸡与猪。

9.He's currently trying to buy a farm so he and his wife can raise alpacas and chickens.目前,他正准备购买一座农场,打算和妻子饲养羊驼和小鸡。

10."The last time I arrived in my grandmother's village, there was a goat in my lap and some chickens, " he said.“上次我到我奶奶的村庄,我的周围有一只山羊和几只小鸡,”他说。