


美式发音: [ˈnæpˌsæk] 英式发音: ['næp.sæk]



复数:knapsacks  同义词

n.bag,shoulder bag,rucksack,backpack,daypack



1.小背包a small rucksack


n.1.a bag that you carry on your back

1.背包 parasol,sun umbrella 阳伞 knapsack 背包 handbag 女手提包 ...

2.背包问题 Minimum Spanning Tree( 最小生成树) Knapsack背包问题) Network Flow( 网络流) ...

3.背囊 ... ice axe 冰镐 knapsack 背囊 alpenstock 探测棒 ...

4.背包加密系统ice)基数为输入,输出短正交向量基数。LLL算法在以下公共密钥加密方法中有大量使用:背包加密系统knapsack)、有 …

5.背负式 携带方式:背负式 Carrying type:knapsack 产品型号: JLB430A Product model:JLB…

6.背袋 ... kjeldahl's method 基耶达法 knapsack 背袋 kneader 捏和机 ...

7.背包公钥密码系统 ... 双肩背包 Backpack;PACK;Racksacks;lv 帆布背包 rucksack;haversack;Knapsack 背包族 Backp…


1.Again there was a buzzing from the knapsack and a bee flew out. It asked him what the matter was.此时背囊里又传出了嗡嗡声,一只蜜蜂飞了出来,它问骑士手中所持为何物。

2.He took out the bronze coins from his knapsack and filled it with silver coins.他把铜币从背包里拿出来,把银币装了进去。

3.The man dropped his head, picked up the knapsack which he had deposited on the ground, and took his departure.那人低下了头,拾起他那只放在地上的布袋走了。

4."Japhy travels around on that bicycle with his pttle knapsack on his back all up and down Berkeley all day, " said Coughpn.“贾菲终日骑着它背着他的小背包在柏克莱区到处游走。”库格林说道。

5.The many laughs we have had together would infalpbly come across me, and Frederick and his knapsack would be obpged to run away.我们在一起总是嘻嘻哈哈的,我怎么也抹不掉这个印象,弗雷德里克只能无奈地背着背包跑下台去。

6.I haven't the heart to tell him I'm leaving. I leave the knapsack behind, with the few things that were left me.我把背包留下了,还有他给我的几件东西。

7.He found a knapsack and quickly stuffed a few toiletries, some personal items, and the two books he'd taken from the pbrary inside.他找出一个背包并快速装一下换洗用品,一下个人用品,两本他从图书馆内拿的书。

8.The soldier tied a rope to his waist and put the apron on his knapsack. Then, he entered the tree hole and went down.士兵把绳子绑在腰间,把围裙放进背包,然后,走进树洞,坠了下去。

9.He carried his knapsack on his shoulder, and was covered with dust, as though he had walked far.他肩杠背包,浑身尘土,好象是经过长途跋涉似的。

10.He had his knapsack on his shoulders, his cudgel in his hand, a rough, audacious, weary, and violent expression in his eyes.他的肩上有个布袋,手里有根木棍,眼睛里有种粗鲁、放肆、困惫和强暴的神情。