

chief executive

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复数:chief executives  同义词




1.(公司或机构的)总经理,总裁the person with the highest rank in a company or an organization

2.美国总统the President of the US



n.1.the most senior person working in a company or organization who is responsible for running it2.the leader of a local or state government organization3.the President of the U.S.

1.行政长官 ... |chief = 首长 --> |chief-executive = 行政长官 --> |governor = 省长 --> ...

2.首席执行官 ... Chief Marketing Executive 任者 Chief-Executive 首席执行官 chief executive 州长 ...


1.A year later, she was promoted to president, and the promotion to chief executive followed several years after that.一年后,惠特林顿被提升为总裁,几年后,又被提升为首席执行长。

2.Paul Adams, chief executive, said: "The recession's impact on consumers is still with us and shows no sign of abating. "英美烟草的首席执行官保罗·亚当斯说:“经济衰退对消费者的影响仍然存在,而且没有减轻的迹象。”

3."Jewellery in a retail environment is locked up in a glass case, " says Jessica Herrin, the company's chief executive and founder.“零售的首饰通常放在玻璃橱窗内,”公司CEO兼创始人杰西卡•赫林(JessicaHerrin)说。

4.Infineon Chief Executive Peter Bauer managed to turn around the unit, which had been loss-making for years.数年来英飞凌无线业务的市场占有率不断下降,公司首席执行长PeterBauer设法逆转局面。

5.When Mervyn Davies was chief executive in 2002, he said the consumer business would be "our engine for growth" .2002年,那时的墨文戴维斯还是渣打的行政总裁,他说客户业务将是“我们前进的动力”。

6.Mr. Jobs said he would remain chief executive and said he hoped to return to Apple as soon as he could.乔布斯说,他将还是首席执政官,而且他希望能尽快回到苹果。

7.His mother was a painter and his father was a chief executive of a pubpc company, while his sister and brother-in-law were art dealers.他的母亲是一位画家,父亲是一家上市公司的首席执行官,而姐姐和姐夫都是艺术品交易商。

8.The Wall Street Journal said the Apple chief executive would be returning to his job on schedule, but may initially work part-time.《华尔街日报》称,这位苹果公司的首席执行官将如期返回公司,但最初可能还无法全职工作。

9.Today he is Nine Dragon's deputy chairman, chief executive and also, according to his wife, the company's chief pnguist.如今,他是玖龙纸业的副董事长兼首席执行官。另外,据他妻子说,他还是公司的首席语言学家。

10.Over the summer, its chief executive officer resigned, and he was quickly followed out the door by the chief operating officer .今年夏天,其执行长辞职,随后运营长也离开了公司。