




1.人类学家克罗伯取的中国看来是无可比拟的强项。中国经济政策观察员、北京龙洲经讯(Dragonomics)研究所主任葛艺豪Kroeber)确信 …

6.美国人类学家克鲁伯庭通常包括母亲、父亲、子女和一个人类学家。” 以及美国人类学家克鲁伯(Kroeber)遇到的笑话,“他到一个印地安人家里去 …


1.Some of the new highways may be empty, but Kroeber, the editor of the China Economic Quarterly, said the high-speed trains are mostly full.在中国,一些高速公路可能空空如也,但是Kroeber,这位中国经济季刊的编辑说,高铁在中国大部分时间是满载的。

2."People's abipty to consume depends on their wages, " which have been rising by about 10 percent a year in real terms, Mr. Kroeber says.“人民的消费能力依赖于其工薪收入”,而按实际价值计算,该项收入正在以每年大约10%的速度增长,葛先生表示。

3.Companies making those things, however, will not be able to operate in traditional ways, Mr. Kroeber warns.然而,这样做的公司将无法再按照传统模式运作,克鲁伯先生提醒道。

4.In the developed world, Kroeber notes, a country's capital stock tends be a bit more than three times the size of GDP.在发达国家,一个个国家的资本存量超过GDP总量的三倍还多。

5.Kroeber declares that China's real per capita consumption growth in recent years is "the fastest of any country in history" .葛艺豪声称,中国近几年实际人均消费增长是“历史上所有国家中最快的”。

6.Even then, Kroeber said, he had a hard time imagining that China would find a way to make use of all of its new construction.Kroeber说他当时很难想象中国最终能将那些新的基础设施利用起来。

7.Arthur Kroeber of GaveKal-Dragonomics, a consultancy, thinks China will get within a "reasonable range" of its 20% goal.来自GaveKal-Dragonomics的咨询师亚瑟-克虏伯认为,到今年年底,中国将可以把能耗强度拉入距离20%目标值的“合理范围”以内。

8.The crucial difference between these two arguments is location and this leads back to Kroeber's thesis of two Chinas.这两种论点间的关键区别是地理位置,而这带我们回到了葛艺豪的“两个中国”的命题。

9.Low-end manufacturers stayed open by boosting efficiency, says Arthur Kroeber, head of the Dragonomics consultancy.低端制造业仍停留在推进工作效率而盈利的思维上,龙洲经讯的董事葛艺豪说。

10.These moves are only the beginning, says Mr Kroeber.葛艺豪表示,这些举动仅仅是个开始。