




1.大副 轮机长 Chief Engineer 大副 Chief Mate 大副 Chief Officer ...

2.船上大副 ... 牛夫 cow keeper 大伙 chief mate 义兵 volunteer ...

5.大副大副 chief mate 大副 chief mate 大副大副 chief of customs 关长 ...


1.Chief mate, I have to go shore now. Once discharge finished, I'll be back to check the tanks with you again.我要先上岸了,我会在卸完货的时候马上回来和你一起验舱。

2.The name Starbucks comes from Melville's book, Moby Dick, it's the name of the chief mate---Starbucks of Captain Ahab.星巴克得名于麦尔维尔的著作,《白鲸记》中亚哈船长的大副名字—Starbucks。

3.Chief Mate: The dampness resulted from improper packing, with which we are not concerned.大副:但受潮是由于包装不当导致的,与我方无关。

4.Chief Mate: No, not in this case, I'm afraid. It must be rusty before loading.大副:恐怕并非如此,一定是装运前就已经生锈了。

5.Chief Mate: Let me check. Oh, the button is out of order. It can not be pushed down, inform radio officer to come with necessary tools.大副:让我检查一下,噢,这个按键坏了,按不下去。告诉电报员带工具来。

6.Chief Mate: Carpenter and A. B embark.大副:木匠和一名水手登艇。

7.Chief Mate: It's obvious that the machines were rusty before loading.大副:很明显机器在装运之前已经生锈了。

8.Portable extinguishers in Chief Mate Cabin missing.大副房间内的手提式灭火器丢失。

9.Chief Mate: Yes, sir. Let go the starboard anchor. Now starboard anchor is let go. Over.大副:遵命。抛右锚。现在右锚已送出,请讲。

10.Chief Mate: Fire extinguished. Ask retreat signal.大副:火已熄灭,请求取消信号。