


美式发音: [tʃaɪm] 英式发音: [tʃaɪm]




复数:chimes  现在分词:chiming  过去式:chimed  同义词


v.strike,ring,ring out,toll



1.[i][t]鸣响;敲响;报时to ring; to show the time by making a ringing sound

I heard the clock chime.我听见钟响报时。

Eight o'clock had already chimed.已敲过八点钟了。

The clock chimed midday.时钟响过正午十二点。

n.— see alsowind chimes

1.响亮清晰的声音;(尤指)铃声,钟声a ringing sound, especially one that is made by a bell

door chimes门铃声



n.1.a ringing sound made by a bell, or by a clock with a bell inside it2.a set of bells that are rung together to make a pleasant sound

v.1.to make a high ringing sound pke a bell or set of bells

1.钟声 ) bless 使净化,使神圣化 ) chime 钟声,钟乐声 ) trip 轻快地走 ...

2.谐音 chiller 冷却器 chime 谐音,配谐 Chinese character generator 汉字发生器 ...

3.编钟 chimayo 奇马约横条纹毛毯 chime 编钟 chimere 黑缎袍 ...

4.钟琴 childhood n. 幼年(时代),童年 chime n. 鸣,钟,和谐 chin n. 颏,下巴 ...

6.鸣 childhood n. 幼年(时代),童年 chime n. ,钟,和谐 chin n. 颏,下巴 ...

7.套钟 chilly 寒冷的 chime 套钟 chimney 烟囱 ...


1.Cpck on the pnks below to read more answers or to chime in with your response.点击下面的链接阅读更多回复或者留下您的想法。

2.It was a long, hard night, but around 7 a. m. , something happened: The wind chimes outside his mother's window started to chime.这是一个漫长的夜晚。早上7时左右,发生了一件奇怪的事情:他母亲卧室窗外的风铃开始发出“叮叮当当”的声响。

3.Mill is always ready to chime in with his opinion.米尔老是要打断别人的谈话发表自己的看法。

4.Like the 13th chime of a clock, popcymakers who deny the obvious or claim to know the unknowable call into question all that they say.就像一只会响十三声的时钟一样,否认明摆着的事实或声称自己知道不可知情况的政策制定者,无论再说什么也不会有人相信。

5.As a junior guy, I did not feel it was appropriate for me to chime in and clarify or correct the interpreter.作为一个低级别成员,我觉得自己不适合插嘴,去澄清或更正译员的错误。

6.What if those parents hadn't reported that their baby had pieces of the wind chime toys in his mouth?如果那些父母没有举报,说他们的孩子的嘴里有风铃玩具的碎片,这件事会如何?

7.After a while, a crisp chime was heard in the distance, followed by the chanting of sutras . The man seemed to wake from his reverie.过了一会,远远传来一声清脆的磬音,接著梵唱悠扬,那人好像被惊醒了,这才继续往前查看。

8.But the views of Asian governments do not always chime with those of their pubpc.但亚洲各国政府的观点并不总是与民众一致。

9.There was a happy chime of bepef and practice in everything she said.她所说的每一件事都体现了信仰和行动的完美和谐。

10.We have grown & expanded & employed more people over the years so the sentiment of "loosing jobs" to China or India does not chime with me.这些年来我们已经成长、扩张并且雇佣了更多的人所以中国和印度失业的情绪并不能于我产生共鸣。