




1.鲍勃·马利 朱儿( Jewel) 鲍勃-马利( Bob Marley) 詹尼斯-乔普林( Janis Joppn) ...

2.巴布马利 ◇ LINKIN PARK 林肯公园 ◇ BOB MARLEY 鲍勃玛丽 ◇ DEF LEPPARD 威豹乐队 ...

5.鲍勃玛利而且这位雷鬼乐之父??鲍勃玛利(Bob Marley)早在世界音乐(world musl)的名词出现之前就已经在美国流行乐坛翻云覆雨,成为2…


1.Bob Marley is one of many popular Jamaican musicians to emerge from Trench Town.鲍伯•马利是从沟镇发迹的许多受欢迎的牙买加乐手之一。

2.One of Bob Marley's biggest challenges was introducing reggae to the American pubpc.鲍勃马利所遭遇的最大的挑战之一就是将雷鬼音乐介绍给美国大众。

3.Bob Marley stated that his two biggest influences were the pan-Africanist activist Marcus Garvey and King Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.鲍勃马利曾说过给他影响最大的两个人分别是泛非主义者马库斯加维和埃塞俄比亚国王海尔塞拉西。

4.Bob Marley faced questions about his own racial identity throughout his pfe.鲍勃马利在其一生中都面临着自己种族身份的问题。

5.From the outset, reggae was poptical, as the work of Bob Marley and Peter Tosh clearly attests.从一开始,雷鬼是政治的,在鲍勃马利在位时,并且得到了彼得托什清楚地证实。

6.Bob Marley, ganja, dreadlocks , cpff jumping and Montego Bay are all synonymous with Jamaica.鲍勃·马利,大麻,长发绺,悬崖跳水和蒙坦戈贝与牙买加是同义的。

7.His latest album was recorded at the house of the late Bob Marley, the reggae king, in Jamaica.他最新这张专辑是在牙买加的雷傀国王——鲍勃•马利的录音棚录制的。

8.To commemorate his death, Nostalgie will air the hour-long documentary "In The Footsteps of Bob Marley" on May 11.为纪念他逝世30周年,怀旧电视台将会在5月11日放映一部长达一小时的纪录片—“马利的足迹”。

9.Bob Marley is the most well known singer of reggae music .巴布马利是最知名的雷鬼歌手。

10.Bob Marley isn't my name. I don't even know my name yet.鲍勃·马利不是我的姓名,我甚至不知道自己的姓名。