



美式发音: [ˈtʃɪmni] 英式发音: ['tʃɪmni]



复数:chimneys  同义词




n.1.a tube or passage that takes smoke from a fire up through a building and out through the roof; the part of a chimney, often made of bricks, that you can see on a roof

1.烟囱 chemical weapons 化学武器 chimneys 烟囱 motor vehicles 机动车辆 ...

2.烟囱型 ... chimney technique/ 烟囱爬法/ chimneys/ 烟囱型/ chock/ 岩锲/ ...

3.烟囱图片 ... 轻的分散器图片 Light diffuser 烟囱图片 Chimneys 其它黑和白色树图片 Another black and white tree ...

4.砖造烟囱 房屋保养漫谈(五)—砖造烟囱( Chimneys) 房屋保养漫谈(十二)—矮层空间( Crawl Space) ...

5.个烟囱 ... 愤怒的小鸟:星球大战 Angry Birds Star Wars (100 chimneys)《1 00个烟囱》 网络114( net 114) ...

6.烟囱结构 第九章 安东尼处理尸体( Anthony Disposes of a Body) 第十章 切姆尼兹( Chimneys) ...

8.排气道 chimeras( 嵌合体) chimneys( 排气道) china( 中国) ...


1.Few boats seem to arrive at its docks; smoke emerges from only one of the factory chimneys.没有几艘船抵达它的港口;这座城市的工厂烟囱中,只有一座有烟飘出。

2.The deep pit which had been the cellar, the blackened field- stone foundations and two mighty chimneys marked the site.那个原来是酒窖的深坑,那些烧黑了的粗石墙基和两个巨大的烟囱,便是这幢大厦所在的唯一标志。

3.The question of a more comfortable dwelpng than the Chimneys must therefore be seriously considered and promptly resolved on.因此,寻找一个比“石窟”舒适的住所的问题,就必须认真考虑而且必须立刻解决了。

4.Wisps of smoke still rose into the grey sky, but no more than might have risen from Winterfell's chimneys on a cold autumn afternoon.缕缕清烟继续爬上灰色长空,和清冷的秋日午后临冬城炊烟缭绕的情景并无二致。

5.You've got black smokers going all over the place and chimneys that have tube worms that might be eight to 10 feet long.你已经了解所有地方的海底黑烟柱附近都生活着管状蠕虫它们可能有八到十英尺长。

6.They did not know that the smoke from nearby chimneys was coming from crematoria burning the bodies of earper arrivals.他们并不知道附近烟囱里的滚滚浓烟却是那些先来的人的尸体被火化时冒出的浓烟。

7.The factory is no longer emitting black smoke into the air from its chimneys as protective filters are being used.5装了防护过滤器之后,这工厂的烟囱再也不将黑烟排放到大气中去了。

8.The shop was an old converted house with many large, disused fireplaces and tall, narrow chimneys.那是一座老式的、经过改造的房子,店里有许多废置不用的大壁炉和又高又窄的烟囱。

9.All this timber was piled up under a large shed, built near the Chimneys, and there awaited the time for use.“石窟”附近盖了一间大棚子,把所有这些木料都堆在那里,等候开工。

10.The shop was an old converted house with many large disused fireplaces and tall chimneys.这家店是有老房子改装过来的,有许多大的弃置的壁炉和高耸的烟囱。