




1.格里夫 Egon 埃根 Griff 格瑞菲 Griffith 韦尔什 ...

3.将会告诉你何时 ... Def 果酱 - Griff 将会告诉你何时 pulpn' 出自光线- 枪 ...

4.葛利夫(Executor)自Fondor竣工,以及舰长为葛利夫Griff)上将的事件,叙述於「达斯‧维德的打击」(Darth Vader Strikes), …

5.专用小魔女皮套 Targus Versavu 360 Apple iPad 2 专用多角度保护套 SGP iPad2 Griff 专用小魔女皮套 SGP iPad2 illuzion 笔记型保护套 ...

6.系列背盖保护套 ... Smart1 iPad 2 透明触控萤幕保护贴 SGP iPad2 Griff 系列背盖保护套 SGP iPad2 Leather Case illuzion 皮革保 …


1.Young Griff did not seem to share his misgivings. "Let them try and trouble us, we'll show them what we're made of. "小格里夫看起来不怎么关心他的疑虑。“就让他们好好试着来挑战我们吧,我们会让他们知道我们是什么做的。”

2.Young Griff pushed a lock of blue hair out of his eyes. "They were squires together at King's Landing. "小格里夫拨开眼前的蓝发。“他们在君临时一起当侍从。”

3.Griff stared at him, frowning.格里夫凝视着他,皱了皱眉。

4.Griff took one look at him retching over the side of the pole boat, and said, "You are done with drink. "格里夫看了一眼在船舷边干呕的提利昂说,“你的酒量还真差。”

5.But there was no mistaking Griff. "That will be enough shouting, " he said. A sudden silence fell upon the river.但没有什么人会被误认为格里夫。“你叫得差不多了吧,”一个人说。河岸肃静。

6.Griff will see that too, surely, he thought, surprised to find how much he cared.格里夫也会知道的,当然,他想,惊讶的发现他竟然如此担心。

7.Up ahead, the stone men on the span began to wail. A few were pointing down at them. "Haldon, get the prince below, " commanded Griff.在前方,桥拱上的石人们开始哭号。他们中的一部分指着他们。“哈尔顿,带王子下去,”格里夫命令。

8.Griff rounded on him. "Unless you can cut this fog with your next witticism, keep it to yourself. "格里夫骂道。“要么你下次能用你的妙语割裂这些雾,要么就省省吧。”

9.Griff drew his longsword. "Yollo, pght the torches. Lad, take Lemore back to her cabin and stay with her. "格里夫抽出了长剑。“尤罗,点燃火炬。男孩,把莱莫尔带回她的船舱和她一起待在那。”

10.At the prow of the Shy Maid, Young Griff stood with the third pole, to push them away from hazards as they loomed up through the mists.在害羞小姐号的穿透,小格里夫站在第三个撑杆边,将在雾霭中摸索的众人推离危险。