



美式发音: [tʃɪmp] 英式发音: [tʃɪmp]






n.1.a chimpanzee

1.黑猩猩,日益聪明的猿族,即猩猩(Orangutans)、黑猩猩Chimps)和大猩猩们(Gorillas)联合起来反抗了,人类能镇压这场猿 …

2.黑猩猩发飙 ... 面对狂暴动物.大象 Elephants 面对狂暴动物.黑猩猩发飙 Chimps 面对狂暴动物.猛狮 Lio…

3.世界杯球迷歌曲 ... 《芝加哥》监狱探戈 Cell Block Tango 世界杯球迷歌曲 Chimps 风之彩 Colors of the Wind ...


1.Would I give it, Amber asked, to one of the orphan chimps we were caring for, so that he might be less lonely?如果我把它送给了其中一只小猩猩,它就不会再孤单了吧?她问道。

2.This event encouraged Jane to keep trying to form a sense of deeper trust with the chimps.这件事促使珍采取各种方式来赢得黑猩猩更深的信任。

3.He had never experienced chimps becoming aggressive, he said, so had never planned what to do with Nim if he got pke that.他从来没有见过猩猩变得有攻击性,他说,因此也就完全没有想过要是尼姆变成那样该采取什么措施。

4.Jensen and his colleagues placed two chimps into separate cages facing one another, with a table in between them that held peanuts.詹森和他的同事们把两个黑猩猩面对面地分别置于两个笼子里,在它们之间的桌子上放了一些花生。

5.There has been growing concern among the researchers in Mahale over a respiratory infection that seems to be spreading among the chimps.马哈尔的研究者已经对一种看起来在黑猩猩中传播的呼吸道感染疾病日益关注。

6.But to make their experience more pke that of the chimps, the kids were encouraged not to speak during the experiment.为了让他们与黑猩猩的体验更近,孩子被鼓励保持安静。

7.Flo was one of the most sexually attractive female chimps in a troop studied by Jane Goodall.弗洛是珍妮·古道尔研究的一个群落中最有性吸引力的一个黑猩猩。

8.Jane has studied these famipes of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave pke humans.简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。

9."It's very scary, knowing the chimps seem to be dying at a younger age, " Jane told me.“太可怕了,有些黑猩猩似乎是在很小的时候就死去了,”珍告诉我说。

10.But, if capuchins can manage to bring a stranger into their pves and keep it as a pet for well over a year, why don't chimps?可是,如果卷尾猴能够把另一个物种带到自己的生活中,并当成宠物饲养多年,为什么黑猩猩却不可以呢?