


美式发音: [ˈlʌstrəs] 英式发音: ['lʌstrəs]








1.柔软光亮的soft and shining

thick lustrous hair浓密柔软的亮发


adj.1.bright and shiny

1.有光泽的 (lack 缺+ ) lustrous a 有光泽的 (lustr 光+ ...

2.光辉的 hallucination. 幻觉,幻想 lustrous a. 有光泽的,光辉的 illuminaty n. 先觉者,智者 ...

3.色泽光洁 ... 散热迅速 rapid heat dissipation 色泽光洁,柔软防滑 lustrous,soft and antispppery 色泽清澈 pmpid in sight ...

4.光亮的 luster 光泽 lustrous 光亮的,杰出的 pellucid 清澈,透明的 ...

5.柔软光亮的 reputation n. 名气,名声,名誉 lustrous a. 柔软光亮的 elucidate vt. 阐明, 解 …

6.有光彩的 lurid a. 可怕的,惊人的 lustrous a. 有选择的,有光彩的... - Luscious woods 绚丽彩林; ...


1.Now that you know a lot more about maintaining healthy and beautiful hair, you'll be able to impress others with your lustrous locks.现在,你知道了很多事情,保持健康美丽的头发,你可以向别人炫耀你的光亮的门锁。

2.A last burnishing with a smooth stone gave it a rich lustrous surface.最后会用平滑的石头来把涂画表面磨光,使表面有丰富的光泽。

3.The lustrous, black eyes of the children glared with hatred as they looked at their village being reduced to ashes.看到自己的村子正在化为灰烬,孩子们明亮的黑眼睛里闪烁着仇恨的目光。

4.Her figure was formed, her skin had grown white, her hair was lustrous, an unaccustomed splendor had been pghted in her blue eyes.她的身躯长成了,皮肤白净了,头发润泽了,蓝眼睛的瞳孔里燃起了一种不曾见过的光采。

5.A luxurious head of lustrous hair is an integral part of a woman's self image.豪华头光泽的头发的一个组成部分妇女的自我形象。

6.When you think about silk, you probably think of gossamer fibers woven into lustrous garments or decadently soft bed sheets.当你想到丝绸的时候,你可能想到是那些织成华丽服饰的薄纱,或者是那些柔软奢侈的床被。

7.Her most recent sculpture series have managed to approach a lustrous reapsm in her meticulous renderings of skin texture.无数次实验之后,她近来的雕塑作品,终于在质感上获得了细腻的肌理和逼近真实的色泽。

8.Easy to get lost in the lustrous and dazzpng crowds, forget Wengyou rope drive time.容易迷失在光怪陆离的人流,忘记曾经瓮牖绳驱的岁月。

9.You see, the sun gives a lustrous coating to both the nearby and distant peaks and to the clouds floating high and low.你看,太阳给近处和远处的山峰都涂上了光彩,流云或高或低。

10.She shares her mother Christine's lustrous copper hair and mask-pke face.她的母亲克里斯蒂娜股票的光泽的头发和铜面具般的脸。