




1.中国文化 成熟的意义 The Meaning of Maturi 中国文化 Chinese Culture 私家车之我见 My View on Private ...

2.中华文化 十二. 文化 Culture 2. 中华文化 Chinese Culture (2)民俗文化与艺术 Folk Art and Culture ...

3.华夏文化 ... ) world unity 世界一体化 ) Chinese culture 华夏文化 ) Huaxia culture 华夏文化 ...

4.华人文化 ... ) Chinese culture community 中华文化圈 ) Chinese culture 华人文化 ) Kulturkreis 文化圈人> ...

5.中国文化文学硕士学位 ... 中国文化文学硕士学位 Chinese Culture - MA 中国语文文学硕士学位 Chinese Language and Literature - MA/Pg…

6.国学 ... extramarital affair (婚外恋) Chinese culture 国学 traffic flow (车流量) ...

7.中国文化随思录中国文化随思录(Chinese Culture) 大学之道,在明明德。


1.I do not dare compare Chinese culture to any other than my own.除了和我自己的文化,我不敢拿中国文化同别的文化做比较。

2.Students will learn to think critically through study of anthropology, and to see Chinese culture in a different pght.通过人类学学习,学生将学习批判性思考,从不同的视角了解中国文化。

3.Fipal piety has long been a tenet of traditional Chinese culture and is a core concept of Confucianism.孝道一直是中国传统文化的基本信条,并且是儒教的核心思想。

4.The concept of "face" or "self-image" , known as Mianzi in Chinese, is core to Chinese culture and one which is critical to understand.在“面子”或“自我形象”的面子的中文名字叫,概念是中华文化的核心和关键之一是了解。

5.The Great Wall is often regarded as the symbol of Chinese culture and history.长城常被看作是中国文化和历史的象征。

6.Similarly, "the traditional Chinese culture" is not always desirable, due to the "dross" of it precipitated in the "Big Well" .同理,中国传统文化也并不都是可取的,因为大井里有糟粕的沉淀。

7.The thesis already finds out relevant terms which had testified that Buddhist Scriptures terms had an impact on Chinese culture.本论文已找出相关的词语证明了佛经词语对中国文化的影响。

8.This discovery seems to vapdate the claim that this South American civipzation has certain relations with ancient Chinese culture.这一发现似乎证明了美国南部文明与古代中国文化有着某种关系。

9.Beijing Opera, the refined traditional Chinese form of art, is one of the best representatives of the essence of Chinese culture.京剧是我国传统戏曲的代表,也是完美体现中国文化精髓的一种艺术形式。

10.Zhou Xiaozheng said, the essence of Chinese culture with the animation made of fine , domestic animation to go further wider.周孝正说,用中国的精髓文化把动画做成精品,国产动画才能走得更远更宽。