



美式发音: [lʌntʃ] 英式发音: [lʌntʃiz]



复数:lunches  过去分词:lunched  现在分词:lunching  




n.1.a meal eaten in the middle of the day, especially a pght meal that is not the main meal of the day2.the food prepared and eaten at the midday meal

v.1.to eat lunch, especially a particular type of lunch eaten somewhere other than at home

1.午餐 ... 备注 Notes 午餐 Lunches 晚餐招待会 Reception Dinner ...


1.The only difference was that the outgoing guy seemed to have eaten more business lunches and looked tougher.唯一的不同是离职的那位似乎吃过更多商务餐,看上去更强悍一些。

2.He promised he would have more energy to do yardwork on weekends and took brown-bag lunches to work for a while to save money.他承诺将在周末花更多的精力整理花园,并在一段时期内上班自带午餐以节约开支。

3.The man also said the company offered free lunches to employees, adding to his caloric intake while on the job.他还表示,麦当劳为员工提供免费午餐,使他在工作期间热量摄入大增。

4.They did many things together - he sometimes took his son along with him on work assignments or out to nice restaurant lunches.他们一起做了很多事情——有时,他把儿子带在身边工作,或者一起到美食店共尽午餐。

5.She recently found a job at a real estate company after being laid off in 2008 and is now able to splurge on lunches and dinners out.2008年被解雇的她最近在一家房地产公司找到了工作,现在可以花钱下馆子吃午饭和晚饭了。

6.Be sure to have lunches packed the night before and have backpacks sitting at the exit door ready to receive them in the morning.确保前一天晚上准备好第二天的午饭,并将背包放在门口,便于早晨出门时拿。

7.No. I said free lunches, the children don't have to pay for them. And there are many lunches involved, you know, a lot more than three.男:不是。我说的是免费午餐,也就是孩子们不必付钱。而且你知道,这里面包含了很多次午餐,远远多于三次。

8.Conferences don't have to be a bunch of pasty white dudes in a hotel meeting room with boxed lunches and sponsored coffee breaks, you know?会议并不是意味着一群纨绔子弟在宾馆的会议室中享用着上等午餐和赞助的咖啡,这你了解吧?

9.Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them.不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。

10.Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!我马上告诉妈妈这是我安排的,妈妈斩钉截铁地表示她第二天就去学校就午餐问题提出交涉。