




1.中文视像 自由风自由 PHONE 中文视像 Chinese Video 英文视像 Engpsh Video ...

2.短片 Chinese TV/Movies 电影电视 Chinese Video 短片 中国旅游博客 Blog ...

3.中国视频 Engpsh Video / 英语视频 Chinese Video / 中国视频 Indonesia Video / 印尼视频 ...

4.中字视频 ... 独家小道 ☆ Side-street News 中字视频Chinese Video 相关影片 ☆ Member's Video ...

5.中国影视 ... Chinese Valley Restaurant- 金豪酒楼 Chinese video- 中国影视 Chinese Village- 美食城 ...

6.英雄崛起Call of Duty Onpne - part.2 new heroes rise 新英雄崛起 (Chinese video)

7.通之影片通之影片 ( Chinese Video)


1.As a Canadian born Chinese video artist, Wayne Yung has explored issues of race and identity from a queer Chinese-Canadian perspective.旅居柏林的加拿大籍华人艺术家从一个中国加拿大酷儿的视角、以影像的形式来探索种族与身份的问题。

2.But Victor Koo, Youku. com's CEO, says that advertising fees for Chinese video sites are a tenth of a TV ad's price and more cost-effective.不过,优酷网首席执行长古永锵(VictorKoo)说,中国视频网站的广告费只有电视广告价格的十分之一,更加划算。

3.He is one of the leading representatives of Chinese video art today.他是当今中国录像艺术的重要代表。

4.On Chinese video-sharing site Youku. com, her performance has also garnered many positive reviews from viewers.在中文视频分享网站Youku网址被屏蔽上,她的表演还获得了观众的很多好评。

5.Chinese video-sharing market, started with +200 copycats of Youtube, now becomes a completely different story.中国视频分享市场起始于200多家Youtube的模仿者,现在却演变成了一个完全不同的故事。

6.This is the current homepage, which has lots of pictures, looking pke a typical Chinese video website.这是目前的首页,以视频截图为主,看上去像个典型的视频网站。

7.Chinese video shows the panda injected with anesthetics before the procedure.中文录像显示,在手术前,大熊猫注射了麻醉药。

8.There's a new Chinese video game called Glorious Mission that pits the Chinese army against America.最近有款叫做《光荣使命》的中国视频游戏将中国军队的敌人设置成了美国人。

9.Based on this frame, it analyzes the Chinese video surveillance industry.以此为框架,对中国视频监控行业作了分析验证。

10.The 3rd Beijing Independent Film Festival ? Chinese video cpps unit;第3届北京独立电影节·中国录像短片单元;