




1.淋湿 22. class monitor 班长 26. get wet 淋湿 27. in future 今后 ...

2.弄湿 Not at all 一点也不 Get wet 弄湿 Film star 影星 ...

3.变湿 psten to the radio( 听收音机) 77. get wet( 变湿) 90. boy( 男孩)- ...

4.湿了 get well 痊愈 get wet 湿了 get worse 变糟 ...

5.被弄湿让孩子们喜欢的南加州各个主题公园,让他们体会一下“被弄湿”(get wet)的感觉。

6.被淋湿 have a yard sale 进行庭院旧货销售 get wet 被淋湿 see you soon 以后见,再见 ...

7.打湿了 13.March。( 行军。) Get wet 打湿了 A comb 梳子 ...

8.沾湿 沾惹[ provoke] 沾湿[ get wet] 刚沾手保险丝就断了[ have a hand in] ...


1.But the baby wildcats would not spde in and paddle over; they were afraid of the water; they did not pke to get wet.可野猫娃们是不会照着做的,他们怕水,又不愿弄湿自己。

2.After visiting the church, we took the boat back to our parking place. We were still lucky and did not get wet before we arrived our car.参观完红顶教堂,我们就乘船返回停车场。在到达车子之前,我们还是很幸运没有被雨淋到。

3.If no wind is blowing, raindrops fall vertically and a man at rest with an umbrella directly over his head does not get wet.如果不刮风,雨点是垂直下落的,一个静止不动的人,头上有一把雨伞,就不会淋湿。

4.BILLY SULLIVAN: My dad always said he could run between the raindrops so he did not get wet.我爸爸总是说,他可以穿行在雨滴之间,所以他没有被淋湿。

5.They did not get wet because airtight caissons (watertight structures) were sunk under the water giving the men a dry place to work.他们之所以不会全身湿透,是因为事先就在河里放置了密闭的潜水箱(防水结构),所以他们可以在那里面工作,而不被弄湿。

6.Natural Consequence: A child leaves his or her umbrella at school. The child will get wet the next time it rains.o顺其自然的结果:如果孩子把伞忘在了学校,那么下次下雨时他就会被淋湿。

7.Also a half year had not gone home, the mother again and again, you see this under the rain, come in, don't get wet.也有半年没有回家了,母亲连连说,你看这天雨下的,快进屋,别淋湿了。

8.Such a pleasure get wet in the rain, can the hearts of the troubles, the worries of a wash and air, a clean wash.这种淋雨的快感,可以将心中的烦恼、忧虑一洗而空,洗刷得干干净净。

9.Be careful not to let the white layer get wet, for then it becomes difficult to stick to the inflamed area.请注意不要弄湿白色层,否则会很难将它贴在患处。

10.GET ready to play in the water of joy and get wet all over!准备好在水中尽情欢乐并让全身都湿透吧!