



美式发音: [tʃɪn] 英式发音: [tʃɪn]




复数:chins  过去式:chinned  同义词





na.1.“up to the chin”的变体

n.1.the center of the bottom part of your face, below your mouth and above your neck

na.1.The variant of up to the chin

1.下巴 distinguishing feature 显著特点 chins 下巴 wings 机翼 ...

2.钦族(Nagas),游猎的古基人(Kuki),高身长的钦人Chins),带有小黑人体型的景颇族,即正喀钦人(Kachins)(棕色皮 …

5.举报 ... 皮皮 pipi 举报 chins ...

6.久爱珠宝 ... 贝尔 beier 久爱珠宝 chins 永宝 gvbori ...

7.金富源 石头记 Gvbori 金富源 Chins 新光饰品 T400 ...

8.引体向上waist)、脉搏(pulse)和3项运动 指标:引体向上(chins)、起坐次数(situps)、跳跃次数 (jumps)。


1.To give objective, complete and accurate statistics of Chins damages in the war is an obpgation of every historical worker.客观、完整、准确地反映抗战期间中国损失,是每一位史学工作者义不容辞的责任。

2.The women were all tattooed with blue stripes over their cheeks, foreheads, chins, hands, arms, legs, and partially on the breast and back.女人们的脸颊、前额、下巴、手臂和腿上,全都纹有蓝色条纹,前胸和后背也有一部分。

3.Never let your chins drop as the plan for Ascension proceeds to its final conclusion.永不要让你们的下巴掉下去,因为根据计划扬升在进入到最后的结论中。

4.The blade slashed through three of his four chins in a spray of bright red blood.血花四溅,剑刃削掉了他四分之三的下巴。

5.They put bright yellow sou'westers on their heads, lacing them under their chins, and stepped outside the door.他们戴上鲜黄色的防雨帽,在颌下系牢,跨出房门。

6.thank you dear i'll be thankful because i always wish that i can say what i feel in chins words.谢谢你,我一直希望可以把我的感情用中文说出来。

7.The women on bikes posed with their chins pointed triumphantly upward toward the sky.裸体骑单车的女子在桥上大摆造型,她们以一种洋洋得意的姿态高昂着下巴,冲着天。

8.Every pound on my body wants to be heard from, as do Chins Four through Twelve inclusive.我身上的每一磅都想让别人来听它说话,我的双下巴到第12道下巴也是。

9.During the period of the Repubpc of Chins, the popce are government functionaries , but different from other government functionaries .民国时期,警察是公务人员,但又不同于其他公务人员。

10.For exploiters , They ought to stick their chins out, leaders who take charge must have courage.对于开拓者来说,就是要敢于冒风险,负责干部要具有勇气。