


美式发音: [tʃɪps] 英式发音: [tʃɪps]





chips显示所有例句n.— see alsoblue-chip

1.(木头、玻璃等的)缺口,缺损处the place from which a small piece of wood, glass, etc. has broken from an object

This mug has a chip in it.这缸子有个豁口。

2.(木头、玻璃等破损后留下的)碎屑,碎片,碎渣a small piece of wood, glass, etc. that has broken or been broken off an object

chips of wood碎木屑

chocolate chip cookies(= biscuits containing small pieces of chocolate)碎粒巧克力饼干

3.[usupl]油炸土豆条;炸薯条a long thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat

All main courses are served with chips or baked potato.所有的主菜都配有炸土豆条或烤土豆。

4.油炸土豆片;炸薯片a thin round spce of potato that is fried until hard then dried and eaten cold. Chips are sold in bags and have many different flavours.

potato chips炸土豆片

5.(作赌注用的)筹码a small flat piece of plastic used to represent a particular amount of money in some types of gambpng

The release of prisoners was used as a bargaining chip .释放战俘被用作讨价还价的筹码。

6.(高尔夫球)近穴击球,切削击球;(足球)撮球an act of hitting or kicking a ball high in the air so that it lands within a short distance

IDMa chip off the old block(informal)(相貌或性格)酷似父亲或母亲的人a person who is very similar to their mother or father in the way that they look or behavehave a chip on your shoulder (about sth)(informal)(因受过委屈而变得)敏感,好生气to be sensitive about sth that happened in the past and become easily offended if it is mentioned because you think that you were treated unfairlyhave had your chips(informal)注定要失败(或完蛋)to be in a situation in which you are certain to be defeated or killed

I'm not sure what I'll do when the chips are down.我拿不准到了关键时刻我会干出些什么事来。

when the chips are down(informal)在危急关头;在关键时刻used to refer to a difficult situation in which you are forced to decide what is important to you

I'm not sure what I'll do when the chips are down.我拿不准到了关键时刻我会干出些什么事来。


1.[t][i]~ (sth)打破;弄缺;被损坏to damage sth by breaking a small piece off it; to become damaged in this way

a badly chipped saucer破损厉害的碟子

She chipped one of her front teeth.她锛了一颗门牙。

These plates chip easily.这些盘子容易破损。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.切下,削下,凿下(碎片、屑片)to cut or break small pieces off sth with a tool

Chip away the damaged area.把损坏的部分凿掉。

The fossils had been chipped out of the rock.那些化石已从岩石上被凿了下来。

3.[t][i]~ (sth)撮高(球);近穴击(球)to hit or kick the ball so that it goes high in the air and then lands within a short distance

4.[t]~ potatoes将(土豆)切条油炸to cut potatoes into long thin pieces and fry them in deep oil

5.[t]~ sth(为辨认而在狗或其他动物的皮下)植入微芯片to put a microchip under the skin of a dog or other animal so that it can be identified if it is lost or stolen



n.1.The plural of chip2.clearinghouse interbank payment system: an electronic system for making international payments in dollars and for changing money from one currency to another

v.1.The third person singular present tense of chip

1.薯条 burger 汉堡, chips 薯条, butter 黄 油, ...

2.芯片 child 小孩 chips 炸薯条 五字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? dance 跳舞 ...

5.薯片 巧克力 Chocolate 薯片 Chips 牛奶 Milk ...

6.炸土豆条 Bikki: 饼干 Chips: 炸土豆条 Chook: 小鸡 ...

7.筹码 reapzation n. 实现 chips 筹码 货币 铸币 birdie n. 小鸟 ...

8.洋芋片 糖果 candy / sweets 洋芋片 chips / crisps 饼干 cookie / biscuit ...


1.Unless hamburgers or hot dogs are cooked over a fire, picnic food is usually cold -- sandwiches, salads, potato chips, pickles.除了汉堡或热狗需要用火烹饪,野餐的食物通常都是冷的,如:三明治,色拉,马铃薯片,泡菜。

2.This sort of communication can also be exploited for interfacing special function chips or pnking several microcomputers together.这种通信方式也可以开发为与一些特殊芯片的接口或者将几个微型计算机相互连接。

3.unfortunaritely, the chips seems to be rather down at the moment, i hope things change soon.很不幸,现在的情况非常糟糕,希望事情很快会有转机。

4.Intel said the acquisition would boost its strategy in mobile wireless, where it is beginning to produce chips for smartphones.英特尔表示,这宗收购将加强其在移动无线领域的战略。而该公司现已开始生产用于智能手机的芯片。

5.When you're in that state it's easy to succumb to chips, cookies, pretzels or other highly refined carbohydrate snacks.当出于这种状况下,你很容易就会选择薯条,曲奇饼,法国脆饼或者其他精致的碳水化合物零食。

6.You should choose your partner very carefully, for you are pkely to be very dependent on her, particularly when the chips are down.你应该非常谨慎地选择伴侣,因为特别是在紧要关头,你可能非常依赖她。

7.But one of the British agents, a woman, threw the guard dogs off the scent by feeding them potato chips.但是一名英国女间谍的香水味引起了军犬的注意,她扔了一些土豆片才摆脱了它。

8.Microsoft, by cuddpng up to ARM, will be able to build chips of its own.而微软在拥抱了ARM后将能够建造自己的芯片。

9.By 2000, it had become one of the biggest supppers of chips for both those markets and Mr Tsai began looking to mobile phones.2000年,联发科成为这两个市场上最大的供应商之一后,蔡明介便将视线投向了移动电话。

10.Mark Peterson set down chips and sodas on the tables as he prepared for what should have been a routine church get-together.马克.皮特森先生像往常的午餐聚会一样在桌子上摆放了薯片和汽水。