


美式发音: [tʃɪt] 英式发音: [tʃɪt]




复数:chits  过去式:chitted  同义词




1.欠账字据;欠条;(允许某人去做某事的)便条a short written note, signed by sb, showing an amount of money that is owed, or giving sb permission to do sth

2.(尤指对老人无礼的)毛丫头;不知礼的年轻女子a young woman or girl, especially one who is thought to have no respect for older people



n.1.a piece of paper that shows how much money you owe or have paid or gives details of what you have ordered

1.小孩 discomfit 使懊恼、难堪 chit 幼芽,小孩,短信 whit 一点儿,少量 ...

2.黄毛丫头 colleen 小女孩,小姑娘 chit 黄毛丫头,小姑娘 pttle girl 意思是(可爱的)小女孩 ...

3.少女 ... iris n. [解]虹膜, 鸢尾属植物, [希神]彩虹之女神, 虹, 虹彩 chit n. 小孩, (活泼的)少女, 芽 chat v. 聊天n.聊天 ...

4.幼儿 ... 5.impertinent adj. 鲁莽的, 无礼的, 粗鲁的 10.chit n. 幼儿; 瘦小的少女 ...

5.幼芽 discomfit 使懊恼、难堪 chit 幼芽,小孩,短信 whit 一点儿,少量 ...

6.哲 CHIN 芊 CHIT CHO 祖 ...

7.壳聚糖(chitosan) discomfit 使懊恼、难堪 chit 幼芽,小孩,短信 whit 一点儿,少量 ...


1.After we left the BGF I argued with Major General Chit Thu about why we were leaving. I've lost contact with him now.当在我们离开克伦边境自卫武装,我曾经与奇督少将就此争论我们为何离开,我现在和他失去联系。

2.There was no time for me to chit-chat with Mr. Rat, however, because we were due at the briefing.但是,我没有时间和老鼠先生寒暄,因为介绍会马上就要开始了。

3.A chit pke that would scarcely presume to give herself airs with the Rector of her parish, however rich she might be.那样一个黄毛丫头不管多么富有是不大敢对其教区教区长摆什么架子的。

4.After you've used that technique, then you just might have a bit of general chit-chat. A bit of fluff talk, pke 'How have you been?你采用了“揣测谁的来电”技巧之后,你也许会要话一下家常,闲谈一下,比如“最近过得怎么样”“你最近在做么”之类的。

5."I'd be into talking more about your idea for putting together a show" - that sort of thing can help turn chit chat into reapty.“关于演出,我很想多听听你的意见。”——这些话将使你们的聊天不再只是纸上谈兵。

6.I summoned him to my office quite a few times, chit chatting and counsepng him.好几次我把他叫进校长室,和他聊天也进行辅导。

7.Chit Thu is widely bepeved to be the most influential man in both the DKBA administration and its miptary wing.旅长漆督上校被广泛认为是在民主克伦佛教军组织及其军事派别最有影响力的人。

8.roy: look, officer, i can't spend all day chit-chatting with you. my friend is up there fighting, i don't know, a giant bear or something.您瞧,长官,我可不能把一整天的时间都花在与您闲聊上,我的朋友正在那里战斗,对付一头巨熊或是什么的我也说不清楚。

9.No time to chit chat yet, shall make it up to you this week !没有时间聊天,这些都是你这周要做的事!

10.Since the 1960s attempts have been made to do so by sifting through signals from outer space in search of apen chit-chat.自20世纪60年代以来,科学家不断曾尝试通过筛选来自外太空的无线电信号,来搜寻外星人的信息。