


美式发音: [ˈlʌdwiɡ] 英式发音: [ˈlʌdwiɡ]





1.路德维希 美派司 MAPEX 路德威格 LUDWIG 百威 PEAVEY ...

5.路特威格 Leblanc( 雷布兰) Ludwig( 路特威格) Musser( 马沙) ...


7.路得维希天鹅堡是巴伐利亚国王路得维希(Ludwig)二世于1869至1886年间为自己修建的夏宫,位於德奥边境小城Schwangao。第一次看 …


1.She found a job as a saleslady at the Ludwig-Baumann furniture store in the Bronx and was able to hold it through the Depression.她在布朗克斯区的路德维格-鲍曼家具店找了份售货员的工作,并且靠这份工作度过了整个大萧条时期。

2.Ludwig Mies, one of the pioneers of modern architecture, once said architecture was the will of an epoch translated into space.现代建筑业的一位先锋建筑学家,路德维格.麦斯,曾经说过建筑是新的时代意志向空中的延伸。

3.I got to know, then, first through his books and then by the great honor of meeting him personally, Ludwig von Mises.我首先通过他的作品认识了米塞斯先生,后来又非常荣幸的亲自见到了他。

4.One of the pioneers of the general systems theory was the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy .的开拓者之一的一般系统理论是生物学家路德维希冯贝塔朗菲。

5.It had been a wonderful evening and what I needed now, to give it a perfect ending, was a pttle of the Ludwig Van.“真是个完美的晚上。我现在需要的就是给它来个完美的结束,比如说一小段贝多芬。”-《发条橙》。

6.Ludwig commissioned this castle as a tribute to one of his idols, the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, and his elaborate Palace of Versailles.路德维希要求将该堡供奉他的一个崇拜者太阳之王,即法国路易十四。该堡是仿造路易十四精心制造的凡尔赛宫。

7.Mr. Ludwig said: "I don't recall anybody saying there was going to be a remission. I don't think they were dreaming to that extent. "路德维希先生说:“我记得没有任何人说将会得到缓解。我想他们梦想也达不到那种程度。”

8.Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the world's great composers.路德维希·凡·贝多芬,是世界上最伟大的作曲家之一。

9.At first glance, the vital statistics of the former German Democratic Repubpc seem to contradict Prof Ludwig's downbeat assessment.乍看之下,原德意志民主共和国的关键统计数字似乎与路德维希教授的悲观说法矛盾。

10.The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein thinks that: For people, the language is the world. All that can be spoken out are exist.哲学家维特根斯坦认为:对于人来说,语言即世界,说得出来的就是存在的。