


美式发音: [ˈkɑlərə] 英式发音: [ˈkɒlərə]





1.霍乱a disease caught from infected water that causes severe diarrhoea and vomiting and often causes death


n.1.[Disease]a serious disease affecting your stomach and intestines(=the long tube that carries waste out of your body) that often causes death. It is caused by drinking water or eating food infected with bacteria

1.霍乱 50. 하드웨어 [名] 硬件, hardware 28. 돼지 콜레라 [名]猪瘟cholera 32. 탱크 [名…

4.霍亂 chlorine 氯 cholera 霍亂 cholesterol 胆固醇 ...

5.霍乱病 carnivora 食肉类 cholera 霍乱病 flora 花神 ...

6.如霍乱 ... 中毒术( Intoxication) 霍乱术( Cholera) 五星( Pentagram Magic) ...

8.口服霍乱疫苗 ... (1) 黄热病疫苗( Yellow Fever) (3) 口服霍乱疫苗( Cholera) ...


1.The method has previously been used to fight rinderpest in Africa and Asia and hog cholera in South America.这种方法此前曾被用于防控非洲和亚洲的牛瘟,以及南美洲的猪瘟。

2.Cholera is not the only disease where environmental factors could be used to predict future outbreaks either, says Colwell.说:“霍乱不是唯一可用环境因素来预测其未来爆发的疾病。”

3.The current wave of cholera outbreaks which had begun several weeks ago in West Africa is still ongoing ( see map below).几周前在西非开始的本波霍乱暴发仍在继续(见下面的地图)。

4.During World War II, the refinery continued to feed the Alped war machine despite food shortages and a cholera epidemic among workers.第二次世界大战期间,即使工人食品短缺,霍乱施虐,炼油厂也一直源源不断地给盟军的战争机器提供汽油。

5.A cholera coordination committee should be in place in countries where cholera outbreaks are recurrent.在反复发生霍乱暴发的国家应建立霍乱协调委员会。

6.The current response to cholera outbreaks tends to be reactive, in the form of an emergency response.目前对霍乱暴发的应对往往是反应性的,形式是紧急应对。

7.The injectable cholera vaccine, previously used, conveyed incomplete, unrepable protection of short duration and is no longer recommended.以前使用的霍乱注射疫苗给予不完全和不可靠的短期保护,不再予以推荐。

8.This seems to be doomed to Anzheluo and Po Linna is the story of the revolution occurred in the surging waves, in the cholera outbreak.这似乎注定了是安哲罗与宝琳娜的故事,发生在澎湃的革命浪潮之下,发生在霍乱爆发的年代。

9.But Henry said he expected cholera would begin spreading in Port-au-Prince in the next week.但亨利表示,他预计下周霍乱将开始在太子港传播。

10.WHO does not recommend any restrictions to travel or trade to or from affected areas, as a means of controlpng cholera outbreaks.世卫组织不建议作为控制霍乱传播的手段对进出疫区的旅行或贸易进行任何限制。