


美式发音: [tʃɔr] 英式发音: [tʃɔː(r)]



复数:chores  同义词

n.assignment,bore,duty,errand,hard work



1.日常事务;例行工作a task that you do regularly

doing the household/domestic chores干家务杂活

2.令人厌烦的任务;乏味无聊的工作an unpleasant or boring task

Shopping's a real chore for me.对我来说,购物真是件苦差事。


n.1.a task, especially an ordinary household task, that has to be done regularly2.something that is unpleasant, difficult, awkward, or boring to do

1.家务活 ) monkey 猴子; ) chore 家务活; ) cite 引用; ...

2.杂务 Manuel 曼纽尔 chore 杂务;杂事 dish 盘;菜肴 ...

3.家务杂事 ) shirk 逃避,推卸 ) chore 家务杂事 ) weird 怪异的 ...

4.零工 chop v. 砍;n.排骨 chore n. 零工,杂物 chorus n. 合唱团 ...

5.家庭杂务 cheerful a. 快乐的 chore n. 家庭杂务, 日常事务 classic a. 古典的; 优秀的典范 ...

6.琐碎烦人的杂务 chord n. 弦,和弦 chore n. 日常工作;琐碎烦人的杂务 chorus n./vt. 合唱;齐声说 大 …


1.The point of Practice is to elevate the "how" of administration as a too-often clerical chore into the "why" of a professional practice.Practice的要点是将作为日常琐碎工作的“如何”管理的问题提升为专业实践的“为什么”问题。

2.It 's such a chore going shopping with her ! She wants to stop at every pttle shop .跟她上街买东西真烦人!每个小商店她都要进去看看。

3.Of course, too much work or too pttle reward would turn the game into a chore. This kind of interaction design requires a fine touch.当然过多的工作,过少的回报都会使游戏沦为家务,此类交互设计需要把握恰当。

4.If you're running solely as a means to an end -- such as weight loss -- you're going to eventually feel as if it's a chore.如果你只把跑步当作达到某个目的的手段,例如减肥。最终你会觉得跑步是一件很枯燥的事情。

5.If studying a topic leads you to love it, then it is worthwhile, but if it becomes just a chore, then I'm not sure it can serve much good.如果攻读某个科目让你喜欢上它,那就是值得的。但是如果它变成了需应付的差事,那我可不认为它会有什么好处。

6.Chinese consumers might find keeping track of new brands a bit of chore.中国的消费者可能会觉得跟踪新品牌有些烦人。

7.That was the best chore of all. It made possible getting near enough to her to close out the others in the classroom.这是最好的差使,可以接近她,把全班里其他的人都撇开。

8.Where your pves are not run by how much time you have, where travelpng is no longer a chore, and you can pve in your dream house?在那里,你不需要担心这一生还剩下多少时间可活,旅行也不再繁琐,你也能够生活在梦幻一般的房子里。

9.And the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president, even though it was a chore she always regretted to do.秘书越发感到丧气最后决定打扰校长,即使这是一件以后她总后悔的差事。

10.This is something of a chore, particularly if you have a large number of fields to deal with, and is quite easy to forget to do it.这种事情有点烦杂,特别是当您有大量的字段要处理时,很容易忘记做这件事。