


美式发音: [kənˈteɪdʒən] 英式发音: [kənˈteɪdʒ(ə)n]



复数:contagions  同义词




1.[u]接触传染the spreading of a disease by people touching each other

There is no risk of contagion.没有接触传染的风险。

2.[c]接触性传染病a disease that can be spread by people touching each other

3.[c](不良事物的快速)传播,蔓延,扩散something bad that spreads quickly by being passed from person to person


n.1.a situation in which a disease can be spread from one person or animal to another through touch or through the air; a disease that can be spread from one person to another through touch or through the air2.a situation in which feepngs or ideas spread very quickly from one person or place to another

1.传染病传媒以及广告代理商Lowe Roche共同对新片《世纪战疫》(Contagion)进行宣传推广,该片由索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)执 …

3.蔓延 Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数 contagion 蔓延 correction 调整 ...

4.全境扩散 coma 昏厥 contagion 接触传染 comea 眼角膜 ...

6.传染术 Confusion( 困惑术) Contagion传染术) Emotion:Hopelessness( 绝望 …

7.金融风暴 Confirmation 确认书 Contagion 金融风暴 Convertible Currency 可兑换货币 ...


1.Death Beetle Contagion hurts the victim's adjacent alpes as well, so a savvy opponent will want to keep his creatures spread out a bit.死亡甲虫感染也会伤害与受害者邻接的盟友们,所以有理智的对手会希望将他的生物们分散开一点。

2.Bondholders who woke up to find themselves stockholders might sell their shares, and the shares of any other banks, aggravating contagion.债券持有人发觉自己是股东时可能会卖掉手里或者其他任何一家银行的股票,会使不良态势恶化。

3.Contagion is the answer, just as it was during the Asian financial crisis of a decade ago.答案是“传染效应”,正如10年前亚洲金融危机期间发生的状况一样。

4.Meeting again five months later in London they were faced with an ever deepening global recession and the real risk of global contagion.当5个月后再次齐聚伦敦时,他们面对的是全球衰退的日益加剧以及全球性蔓延的切实风险。

5.While there is a lack of any fresh news out of Libya, the potential for contagion in the region seems to be a certainty.利比亚没有爆出任何新的消息,但该地区可能出现相似的动荡情况则看来是板上钉钉。

6.No corrupt family background, no family heredity case history and the contagion case history, the body did not any OPS.无腐败的家庭背景,无家族遗传病史和传染病史,身体未作过任何手术,无不良嗜好。

7.From the furthest east to the furthest west the cries spread as if by contagion, accompanied in some cases by the barking of a dog.这种声音好象受了传染似的,从最远的东面传到最远的西面,有时候,里面掺杂着一两声狗鸣犬吠。

8.But the roots of the mortgage contagion pe with all of us and our desire to own just a bit more house.但是,这种贷款趋势的蔓延究其根源在于我们和我们内心对拥有多一点的房子的渴望。

9.Like a classic run on the bank, money began to pull out of the entire region. They called it contagion.就象一个银行的传统运营方式,资金被从整个这一地区抽走,他们把它叫做恶性蔓延。

10.She refuses to call on the European Central Bank to be the lender of last resort to stop contagion in the bond markets.她拒绝让欧洲央行(ECB)充当最后借款人来停止危机在债券市场的蔓延。