


美式发音: 英式发音: ['krɒnɪkp]








1.慢性地 ... chronic 慢性的 chronically 慢性地 chronicle play 历史剧 ...

2.长期地 boast: 自夸,自吹自擂说 chronically: 长期地 embody: 体现,使具体化 ...

3.慢性的 display 华列,华示 chronically 慢性的 power plant 华华厂 ...

4.习惯性地 ... 习惯性 customary 习惯性地 chronically 习惯法 Custom ...

5.长期的 participate ? 参加,参与 chronically 长期的 suicide ? 自杀 ...

6.慢性精神病 ... TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助 Chronically 慢性精神病 Civil rights movement 民权运动 ...


1.Entrepreneurs chronically underestimate how much money they'll need to start a business.初创企业家习惯于低估创业所需的资金。

2.stable and did not abuse substances, but they were considered to be cognitively disabled and chronically ill.在收纳期间,受试者的症状是稳定的,而且没有滥用药物,但是被诊断为认知失能及慢性异常。

3.His own early commitment to the avant-garde, he says, came from a "sense of duty to a chronically under-represented aspect of culture" .他说,早期致力前卫音乐,是因为“对这种长期受到压制的文化带有一种责任感”。

4.It does not seem to correlate with disease severity, but may persist chronically after heapng of cutaneous lesion.它与疾病的严重程度无关,但是在皮肤损伤治疗后常表现为慢性持续存在。

5.All of this leads me to bepeve that athletes who keep themselves chronically tired and leg weary must be making a mistake.这些证据使我确信运动员让自己保持长期的疲累及双腿疲劳一定是犯了错误。

6.This suggests that, in terms of QOL, the chronically ill adolescents do not view themselves as different from their healthy counterparts.这表明,在生活质量,长期病患者的青少年并不认为自己是不同于他们的健康同行。

7.Back in the era of scarcity, they were a rare calorie-rich treat to fill the chronically hungry belly.在物资稀缺的年代,因为月饼富含热量,通常被用来填饱肚子。

8.As milpons more people around the globe face extreme poverty, it means another difficult year for the chronically malnourished, he added.他补充说,在全世界又有数百万人面临极端贫困之际,对于那些正遭受慢性营养不良的人们来说,那意味着又一个难捱的年头。

9.No chronically mentally ill person wants to be in the hospital not even the ones assessed by the staff as hospital dependent.没有慢性精神病患者想要呆在医院里的,甚至是那些治疗团队评估为医院居民的患者。

10.Results: Patients who suffered from Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease had been treated by antibiotics and glucocorticoid hormone chronically .结果:肺心病患者长期反复应用抗生素、糖皮质激素等,使机体抵抗力下降,容易发生念珠菌感染。