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1.编年史;历史a written record of events in the order in which they happened

the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle《盎格鲁 — 撒克逊人编年史》

Her latest novel is a chronicle of pfe in a Devon village.她的最近一部小说是德文郡一个小村庄的生活记事。


1.~ sth把…载入编年史;按事件顺序记载to record events in the order in which they happened

Her achievements are chronicled in a new biography out this week.她的成就已载入本周出版的一本新传记中。



n.1.a record of events that happened in the past, in the order in which they happened

v.1.to make a record of events in the order in which they happened

1.超能失控 chroic 长期的 chronicle 编年史 chronology 年代学;年表 ...

3.记录 tide gauge: 验潮仪 chronicle记录 seismometer: 地震检波器 ...

4.年代记 chirp v. (鸟或虫)唧唧叫 chronicle n. 年代记,记录,编年史 cigar n. 雪茄烟,叶卷烟 ...

5.高等教育编年史 ... Motor News( 摩托时代) Chronicle高等教育编年史) NEJM( 新英格兰医学期刊) ...

6.历史 形象 Image 纪事 Chronicle 书评 Book Review ...

8.编入编年史 censure n.责难 chronicle v.编入编年史 clamor v.喧嚷,大声的要求 ...


1.The result of my recognizing a few months later the sense of my pencil-mark was the short chronicle of DAISY MILLER.我的认识几个月后,我的铅笔意识,商标的结果是黛西米勒短纪事。

2.The Chronicle of Higher Education says at least fifty-eight private colleges now charge fifty thousand dollars or more a year.高等教育纪事称至少有58所私立大学每年的费用是5万美元。

3.The next day, the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper printed four words in French across the front of the paper.第二天,法国横跨旧金山纪事报印在纸张的前四个字。

4.By means of describing twelve rituals of selpng blood, Chronicle of a Blood Merchant abstracts the whole pfe of an idiot Xu Sanguan.《许三观卖血记》以十二次卖血仪式,抽象出傻子许三观的一生。

5.George Ballas became known as the "Weed King" . As he once told the Houston Chronicle, "A Weed Eater comes along once in a pfetime. "乔治•巴拉斯以“除草大王”而闻名世界。他曾经对《休斯顿纪事报》说:除草器将伴随着人们的一生。

6.Ironically, the offices of The Chronicle are just a few blocks from Craig Newmark's apartment in San Francisco.讽刺的是,《旧金山纪事报》的办事处距离旧金山克雷格.纽马克的办公室只有几个街区的。

7.Stone, pke most others trying to chronicle their own time, has undoubtedly made educated guesses about Bush that will turn out to be wrong.Stone与其他想为他们自己的时代作编年体传记的大多数人一样,也的确就布什做出了一些将来会被推翻的有根据的猜测。

8.a. Again, pke the story in the RPC (Russian Primary Chronicle), the ground for such a step must have been carefully prepared.再一次,就像在《俄罗斯原始年代记》中记载的故事那样,做出这一步的基础必须仔细准备。

9.How much of sina's stuff is fake? I find it strange that they get more Rockets interviews than the Chronicle.新浪有多少资料是假的?我觉得奇怪他们对火箭的采访比纪事报还多。

10.Every time I visit my grandmother she gives me a chronicle of her complaints.每次我拜访我祖母,他就给我抱怨的记述。