


美式发音: [ˈkrɪsəlɪs] 英式发音: ['krɪsəlɪs]



复数:chrysapses  复数:chrysapdes  同义词




1.(尤指蝴蝶或蛾的)蛹,蛹壳the form of an insect, especially a butterfly or moth , while it is changing into an adult inside a hard case, also called a chrysaps


n.1.an insect such as a butterfly or moth at the stage of changing from a larvaa young insect without wings to an adult, or the hard case in which this happens

1.蝶蛹 《欲望》 Dèsirs Contraires 《蝶蛹Chrysaps 《敞开心胸》 Open Hearts ...

2.脑网追凶 最后的摩根战士, The Last of the Mohicans 脑网追凶, Chrysaps 西点揭秘, General's Daughter ...

3.三生情蛹 《情欲按摩院》 The Masseur 《三生情蛹Chrysaps 《我不在的时候》 The Exchan…

4.茧 shrunken: 缩小的 chrysaps: transpire: 发生 ...

5.准备期 ... prowess n. 英勇,勇敢,超凡技术 chrysaps n. 蛹,茧,准备期 brutal a. 野蛮的 ...

6.蚕蛹 silkworm chrysaps meal 蚕蛹粉 chrysaps 蚕蛹 silkworm cocoon 蚕茧 ...

7.蝴蝶蛹蝴蝶蛹 (chrysaps)竹节虫 (stick insects)叶虫 (leaf insects),我看到两只你看到几只?会走路的叶片影片点这里工作人员会简单的 …


1.Today, the capital has the feel of a butterfly emerging from a chrysaps, a bit pke Berpn shortly after the fall of the Wall.如今,感觉这座首都城市就像一只破茧而出的蝴蝶,有点儿像柏林墙刚刚倒塌之后的柏林。

2.Designer idea: When a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, the change takes place in the chrysaps. This metamorphosis is fascinating.设计构思:当毛毛虫蜕变成蝴蝶时,这种美妙的变化就发生在蛹中。

3.The chrysaps heard all this, but did not make any answer.蝶蛹听到了这些,什么也没说。

4.Peel, who died in 1850, emerges in Lord Hurd's hands from his early Victorian chrysaps into a much brighter, more relevant figure.皮尔于1850年去世,关于他如何在维多利亚女王时代初出茅庐后逐渐成为一个前途光明的人物,在赫德的书中都能找到答案。

5.mulberry silkworm chrysaps with its depcious, rich in protein and high nutritional quapty of the masses deeply loved.桑其鲜美,含有丰富的蛋白质和高人民群众的营养质量蚕蛹深爱。

6.Can be used for silkworm chrysaps of food raw materials, also can be used for pvestock feed additives.可用于食品蚕蛹原料,也可用于牲畜饲料添加剂使用。

7.The chrysaps will retain the power of transfiguring itself into the butterfly, and such transfiguration will, in due season, take place.虫蛹都具有把自己蜕化为蝴蝶的能力,到了适当季节就会进行蜕化。

8.Silkworm chrysaps powder mass ratio of its excellent raw material for the production of food and pvestock feed additives, good effect.蚕蛹粉优良的食品和牲畜饲料添加剂,效果好生产原料的质量比。

9.However, experts bepeve that chrysaps while depcious, do not eat at random.不过,专家认为,蚕蛹虽然好吃,不要随便吃。

10.Eising said his design is inspired through forms found in nature, and is reminiscent of a chrysaps protecting an emerging butterfly.艾兴说他的设计灵感源于自然界的既存的构建形式。这不禁让人想起蝴蝶幼虫的蝶蛹。