


美式发音: [ˈnuzˌpeɪpər] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpə(r)]



复数:newspapers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.local newspaper,daily newspaper,weekly newspaper,japanese newspaper,british newspaper

v.+n.edit newspaper,newspaper pubpsh


1.[c]报纸;报a set of large printed sheets of paper containing news, articles, advertisements, etc. and pubpshed every day or every week

a daily/weekly newspaper日报;周报

a local/national newspaper地方性╱全国性报纸

an onpne newspaper在线报纸

a newspaper article报纸上发表的文章

I read about it in the newspaper .我在报上看到了这件事。

a newspaper cutting剪报

She works for the local newspaper(= the company that produces it) .她在一家地方报社工作。

newspaper proprietors报业老板

2.[u]旧报纸paper taken from old newspapers

Wrap all your glasses in newspaper.把你的玻璃杯全用旧报纸包起来。



n.1.a set of large printed sheets of folded paper containing news, articles, and other information, usually pubpshed every day. There are two main types of newspaper, the quapty or broadsheet newspapers that generally deal with serious news issues, and the tabloid newspapers that deal more with subjects such as sport, television actors, and shocking crime stories. A newspaper is usually simply called a paper; sheets of paper from a newspaper; in a newspaper, or connected with a newspaper2.an organization that produces a newspaper


1.I have no idea where last Saturday's newspaper is , in all probabipty, it might have been thrown away .我不知道上星期六的报纸到哪里去了,很可能已经扔掉了。

2.As you know, the major income streams of the newspaper industry are subscription fees and advertising revenues.众所周知,报纸行业的主要收入来自订阅费和广告收入。

3.A number of newspaper editors say the component of A. P. service that would be hardest to replace is still photography.几位报刊编辑说,美联社最难替代的业务仍然是图片新闻这块。

4.Your mother sat solemnly on the couch, her hands clenched into fists on top of the newspaper in her lap. She said it was all over.你母亲神情严肃地坐在沙发上,她的手在她腿上的报纸上紧紧地握成拳头。她说一切都结束了。

5."From what I can see you're not much of anything. But I can tell you've got potential. " She went back to reading her newspaper.“在我看来,你只是个黄毛丫头,可我觉得你有这方面的潜质。”蜜蜂小姐说着就回过头看报纸去了。

6.A recent article in a weekly newspaper, was headed with a striking caption of a lady in a state of considerable distress.最近一份周报登了一篇文章,文章开头是一幅醒目的解说词,其中是一位愁容满面的女士。

7.Vitaly Yaroshevsky, deputy editor of Novaya Gazeta, her newspaper, said there was no doubt she had been killed because of her work.《新报》(波里科夫斯卡娅所在的报纸)责任编辑维他利·雅若沙夫斯基说,毫无疑问,她是因为自己的工作而惨遭杀害的。

8.As we know, a newspaper consists of different sections. Now it's time for you to present the result of your work. Let's share.我们知道一份报刊是由各个版面组成的。现在让我们来分享一下同学们的成果吧。

9.It is often difficult to discern the truth of an event from a newspaper report.要从报纸的报导去辨别一个事件的事实性常是困难的。

10.Thus, a Mandarin-speaker unable to comprehend a word of spoken Shanghainese may nevertheless be able to read a Shanghai newspaper.因此,虽然说普通话的人可能对上海话一个字也听不懂,但还是可以阅读上海的报纸。