




1.侯春明 yj2479 杨静 CHUNMING 侯春明 xiaoluo66 罗夏华 ...

2.罗钧铭 资一甲导师 wm15 罗钧铭 chunming 料三甲导师 bocaca0204 ...

3.蔡俊明 陈荣东 rtchen 蔡俊明 chunming 刘振铭 jmpu ...

4.小谷 cyts 雅婷 chunming 小谷 kui74121 小葵 ...


1.When I told him the turbulent spot at Zhongshan Road (N) last night, he recalled his own youth and talked about Huang Chunming's novels.当我说起昨夜的中山北路的骚动现场时,他回忆起自己的少年,说起了黄春明的小说。

2.Lin Chunming's introverted and quiet and sometimes even blushes when talking with girls.林春明,内向而安静,有时当和女孩子交谈时甚至会脸红。

3."This is a big, big category, " said Zhao Chunming, an Internet analyst at the Susquehanna International Group.“这是一个很大很大的领域,”海纳国际集团互联网分析师赵春明说。

4.Lin Chunming, 23, a 2008 electrical engineering grad of Guangdong Institute of Education Project: Web design studio.林春明,23岁,2008级广东教育学院的电气工程研究生,项目:网络设计工作室。

5.In the Humble Shade: An Analysis of the Intellectuals in Huang Chunming's Novels在卑弱的暗影中——试析黄春明小说中的知识者形象

6.Civipzation Clashes and Self-Re-construction: on the Reapstic Significances of Huang Chunming's Novels文明的冲突和自我的重建——论黄春明小说的现实意义

7.On Chinese Humanistic Spirit in Huang Chunming's Novels论黄春明小说的中国人文精神