

church school

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n.1.a school that is connected with a church and includes repgious education in its course of study

1.教会学校 ... business school 商业学校 church school 教会学校 day school 日校 ...

2.儿童主日学 ... 地点: 3楼 310 & 311 号室 Level 3,Room 310 & 311 儿童主日学 Church School 时间: 星期日 午 1.00pm ...


1.e. g. I promises my ma Boo, on her deathbed that I'd get my son Steven outta pubpc school and into a church school.我母亲临终的时候我答应过她,我会把我儿子Steven转出公立学校,让他进入教会学校。

2."Doubt, " based on the award-winning play by director John Patrick Shanley, takes place in the St. Nicholas Church School in 1964.根据导演约翰派屈克席恩力得奖舞台剧改编的「诱•惑」,发生在一九六四年的圣尼可拉斯天主教学校。

3.Most of her curriculum is from a church school , with tests returned by mail .她的大部分课程来自于教会学校,测试则通过邮件来进行回复。

4.One day, he told a church school classes of students stresses the following story : One winter, hunters hunting with a doberman .有一天,他向教会学校一个班的学生们讲了下面这个故事:有一年冬天,猎人带着猎狗去打猎。

5.The master Ge Yuetan held on paintings sales for disaster freely several times, held the church school and developed the education.葛月潭方丈多次举办绘画义卖赈灾活动,举办教会学堂,发展教育事业。

6.A church, school, hospital, asylum , or prison is an institution.教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。

7.The group meets at a church-school campus, making use of fields, blacktop and bleachers (for running drills, of course).学员在教堂学校的校园集合,利用那里的场地,柏油路和廉价座位(当然是为了跑步练习。)

8.At home, church, school and work place, we stand between God and the person before us.在家里﹐学校﹐工作地方﹐教会﹐我们都是站在上帝和周围的人之中间。

9.Wootton St Peter's is a good church school with some outstanding features.s小学是一所有着显著特点的教会小学。

10.The leadership and management of the school as a church school is good.学校领导对教会学校的引领与管理有方。