


美式发音: [ˈfriːtaʊn] 英式发音: [ˈfri:taun]





n.1.[City]the capital of Sierra Leone

1.弗里敦 塞拉利昂 SIERRA 弗里敦 FREETOWN 利比里亚 LIBERIA ...

2.自由城 科那克里 CONAKRY 自由城 FREETOWN 巴马科 BAMAKO ...

3.塞拉利昂 ... 164 Freeport 弗里波特 巴哈马 中南美 165 Freetown 弗里敦 塞拉利昂 西非 166 Fremantle 佛里曼特尔 西澳洲 澳新线 ...

4.自由镇 瓦利 WARRI 自由镇 FREETOWN 达喀尔 DAKAR ...

5.狮子山 Freeport 巴哈马 Freetown 狮子山 Fuzhou 中国大陆 ...

6.自由市 ... Frankfurt 法兰克福 Freetown 费里敦 Fresno 弗雷斯诺 * ...

8.狮子山西岸 ... 自由港,英属巴哈马,西印度群岛 FREEPORT 自由镇,狮子山西岸,西非 FREETOWN 佛雷曼特,澳洲西岸,西南 …


1.Popce said the boat, carrying a large number of schoolchildren, turned over late Wednesday in a heavy storm south of the capital, Freetown.警方说,这艘载学校学生的船只星期三晚些时候在强风暴雨中在首都弗里敦以南的海域翻覆。

2.A year later the government declared the war over and my mother returned to Freetown.一年后政府宣布战争已经结束,母亲回到了弗里敦。

3.My wallet, my credentials, everything got left in Freetown. We barely got out with our pves. Can we just get through?我的钱包,证件,所有的一切,都留在了弗里敦我们好不容易捡了条命,能不能让我们就这样过去?。

4.Freetown receives over three metres of rain annually, almost six times London's annual precipitation, much of it during July and August.弗里敦每年有超过3000毫米的降雨,差不多是伦敦年降水量的6倍。而其中大多数落在了7,8月份。

5.Nothing in Freetown was as I remembered.弗里敦已经不是我记忆中的样子了。

6.There was alarm earper this year when an aircraft carrying almost 700kg (more than half a ton) of cocaine was caught at Freetown's airport.今年早些时候也发生过惊恐事件:一架承载约700公斤可卡因的飞机在弗里敦机场被捕获。

7.Jack's first port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria a parrot from there. It spoke five languages.杰克到达的第一个港口是非洲的弗里敦,在那里他寄给格洛丽娅一只鹦鹉,它能说五种语言。

8.One can reach Kenema in five hours from Freetown, and drive from the border to Monrovia in two.从弗里敦到凯内马需要5个小时,而从边境线到达蒙罗维亚仅需2个小时。

9.Outside of the craze of Freetown, the capital, I've seen a peninsula of beautiful beaches and lush forest.走出乱糟糟的首都弗里敦,我看见半岛上美丽的沙滩和茂密的森林。

10.In Freetown many people greeted the indictment of the attitudinal-change officials as a joke. Others were less amused.在自由城,很多人将起诉态度改变的官员当成开玩笑的招呼语,但其他人根本笑不出来。