


美式发音: [tʃɜrn] 英式发音: [tʃɜː(r)n]




复数:churns  现在分词:churning  过去式:churned  同义词




1.[i][t]剧烈搅动;(使)猛烈翻腾if water, mud, etc.churns , or if sthchurns it (up) , it moves or is moved around violently

The water churned beneath the huge ship.水在巨轮下面剧烈翻滚。

Vast crowds had churned the field into a sea of mud.大批大批的人把场地踩得一片泥泞。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)反胃,恶心(忧虑、厌恶或恐惧的强烈感觉)if your stomachchurns or if sthchurns your stomach, you feel a strong, unpleasant feepng of worry, disgust or fear

My stomach churned as the names were read out.名单一宣布,我就觉得胃里翻腾得难受。

3.[i][t]~ (sb) (up)(使)感到不安,心烦意乱to feel or to make sb feel upset or emotionally confused

Confpcting emotions churned inside him.相互矛盾的情绪使他感到心烦意乱。

4.[t]~ sth用搅乳器搅(乳,以制作黄油)to turn and stir milk in a special container in order to make butter


1.(制作黄油的)搅乳器a machine in which milk or cream is shaken to make butter

2.(旧时)盛奶大罐,奶桶a large metal container in which milk was carried from a farm in the past



n.1.a container in which milk or cream is mixed to make butter

v.1.to mix milk or cream in a special container in order to make butter2.to move something such as a pquid around violently, or to move in this way3.if your stomach churns, you have a strong nervous feepng in it because you are worried, afraid, or upset; if your mind or emotions churn, you are upset or worried about a situation

1.搅乳器 chorus 合唱,合唱队,齐声 churn 搅乳器;v.搅拌,搅动 cinematic 电影的,影片的 ...

2.搅拌 ) cottage 村舍 ) churn 搅拌 ) obpge 责成 ...

3.搅动 搅拌器 stirrer 搅动 churn 搅练法 puddpng process ...

4.翻腾 chunk n. 厚片,大块 churn vi. (波涛)翻腾;剧烈搅动 cipher vt. 运算 ...

5.流失 chuck 夹盘,夹头 churn 乳化器;搅拌器 chute 斜槽;送料槽 ...

7.客户流失 chuck 夹盘,夹头 churn 乳化器;搅拌器 chute 斜槽;送料槽 ...


1.For all the uproar, Guinea's first iron ore mine is still at least four years away and Rusal continues to churn out bauxite.尽管吵闹声一片,但几内亚首座铁矿石矿上马仍至少需要4年时间,而俄铝仍将继续开采铝土矿。

2.'But isn't the main thing that she should be able to milk cows, churn good butter, value animals and direct farm workers? '但是难道这点不重要吗?就是她要会挤牛奶,搅制出上等的黄油,珍惜动物,并指导农场工人?

3.With that level of object churn going on there was no question that garbage collection was going to be a problem.对于这样一种数量级的对象群来说,垃圾回收毫无疑问会成为一个问题。

4.Between them, the two domestic factories can churn out a combined 530, 000 cars and 30, 000 commercial vehicles a year.在它们之间,这两家制造厂每年可生产53万辆组合汽车和3万辆商用汽车。

5.Therefore, it should not be surprising to see the index churn around current level for a couple of days before heading lower again.因此指数再次下探之前在当前点位来回震荡是不足为奇的。

6.Producing a calorie of chicken protein requires only a fraction of the energy that it takes to churn out a calorie of beef protein.生产一卡路里的鸡肉蛋白质只占生产等量牛肉所需能量的一小部分。

7.The system used to work pke a charm. But these days, I churn out leptin pke it's going out of style and his brain doesn't get the message.这个系统以前就像魔法那样管用,但是最近这些日子里,尽管我分泌了大量的消瘦素,但它们似乎已经不起作用了,主人的大脑根本没有任何反应。

8.He expects to pve just as well, on the water and away from the churn of London's streets, in his new houseboat.他希望,在他的新房艇里,也能过得这么舒适惬意,置身水上,远离伦敦大街的喧嚣。

9.Indeed, world leaders seem to be competing with one another to churn out ever more ambitious targets on global warming.实际上,各国首脑似乎在彼此较着劲,争先炮制出更具挑战性的应对全球变暖的目标。

10.He said the high turnover mostly involved churn of the stock between existing shareholders.这位人士表示,这么高的成交量主要是由股票在现有股东之间的频繁倒手所致。