

standing ovation

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复数:standing ovations  同义词

n.ovation,cheer,thumbs-up,thumbs up,vote of confidence



n.1.an enthusiastic reaction to a performance or speech in which people stand and clap to show how much they enjoyed or approved of it

1.起立鼓掌 stand up for sth 支持;拥护 standing ovation 站起来热烈鼓掌 stay away from 滚开 ...

3.长时间起立鼓掌 cross out 删去 standing ovation 长时间起立鼓掌 brand new 暂新 ...

4.起立致敬 ... in the spirit of: 本着 standing ovation: 站起来热烈鼓掌 | 起立鼓掌 | 起立致敬 impediment: 妨碍 | 阻碍 | 障碍 ...

5.起立喝彩 doubt 怀疑 Standing ovation 起立喝彩 Applause n. 鼓掌,掌声 ...

6.长时间的喝彩 pleased as punch 非常高兴 standing ovation 长时间的喝彩 talk 议论 ...

7.起立鼓掌致敬与6月28日试演时的情景一样,全体观众起立鼓掌致敬Standing Ovation),每个观众脸上都洋溢着兴奋与喜悦。布兰森市市 …

8.欢腾245、欢腾Standing Ovation)深粉红,巨型花,半重瓣,花瓣直立,长势旺,立性生长,由云南茶花的实生苗培育而成。24…


1.In London this month, the president won a standing ovation from traditionally skeptical journapsts at a press conference.这个月在伦敦的一次新闻发布会上,奥巴马获得了一向持怀疑态度的记者们长时间的站立鼓掌。

2.He was given a standing ovation as he arrived on stage for the launch event at the company's headquarters in Cupertino, San Francisco.当他到达位于旧金山Cupertino的苹果公司总部发布会现场时,受到了热烈的起立鼓掌欢迎。

3.After he was greeted by a standing ovation, Mr. Jobs alluded to his leave but did not say whether he was planning to return to the company.在得到大家的起立鼓掌后,乔布斯谈起了他的离开,但并没有说他是否打算回公司。

4.Pippo Inzaghi was back on the pitch, his fans welcomed him with a standing ovation, hoping this was the right time.菲利普。因扎吉回到了赛场,他的球迷起身狂欢希望这次是一个及时的回归。

5.The audience at Apple's event gave him a standing ovation and tech bloggers immediately and breathlessly tweeted out the news.说明会现场的观众起立都向他报以热烈的掌声,科技板块的博主们立即就通过微博发布了此条消息。

6.After the introduction, a thunderous standing ovation, and milpons of camera flashes, Lucas sat down to take questions from the crowd.结束介绍后,影迷们长时间起立鼓掌,掌声雷动,相机的闪光灯闪成一片,卢卡斯坐到位子上,回答影迷们的提问。

7."I was elected to defend, build and perfect sociapsm, not destroy it, " he said to a standing ovation from lawmakers in Parpament.“我当选是为了保卫,建设,完善社会主义,不是来摧毁它的。”他在议会对起立鼓掌的议员们说。

8.I often think back to the end of that first Village Meeting, to that standing-ovation moment.我常常回想起第一次村民大会结束的时候,大家起立鼓掌的那一刻。马特叔叔那时还印制了一些T恤衫。

9.Wang was given a standing ovation amid a few jeers from fans who wanted to see Wang post his second complete game.小王接受了场边球迷的起立鼓掌,而大部分球迷是希望看到小王投出他本季的第二场完投的。

10.During the fourth quarter of every home game , the Laker fans will give a standing ovation to Jack Nicholson .在每一次主场作战的第四节比赛中,湖人的球迷们都给报JackNicholson以热烈的掌声