


网络释义:加拿大帝国商业银行(Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce);加拿大帝国银行;加拿大帝国商银


1.加拿大帝国商业银行(Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)以加拿大帝国商业银行CIBC)银行为例,对企业的借贷及信用透支则分多项,如有小型商业透支服务、商业捷达信贷、商业 …

2.加拿大帝国银行以加拿大帝国银行CIBC)为例,1997年底它持有面额为18869亿加元的衍生产品合约,相当于其资产2380亿加元的7.9倍。 …

3.加拿大帝国商银  加拿大帝国商银(CIBC)研究员古伯(Barry Cooper)则建议投资人买进金矿股票,他认为随着开采成本下滑,企业利润上扬,今年 …


1.I had to phone call the CIBC man again. It sounded pke he did not check the form or he had not mailed the form yet.我只得再次打电话给“死而必死”的那人,听上去好像他没查找那份表,甚至好像他根本就没把那表寄出去。

2.CIBC said his claim was "without merit" and it intended to defend the matter "vigorously" .加拿大帝国商业银行表示,贝克的说法“毫无根据”,并打算“积极”为自己辩护。

3.Mr. Rubin joined the bank as a senior economist in 1988, and was made chief economist in 1992.Rubin先生于1988年加入CIBC就任高级经济研究员一职,后于1992年被提拔为首席经济研究员。

4.Through internet, I searched cheap commission among banks. Finally, I decided to use CIBC to invest again.我在网上检索了一番,还是决定再次利用“死而必死”银行做投资。

5.Instead, in 1997, after earning his doctorate, he took a job at one of Canada's largest banks, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC).于是,1997年获得博士学位后,他在加拿大最大的银行之一——加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)找了份工作。

6.That leaves Canada's big banks, including Scotiabank, TD Bank Financial Group, RBC Royal Bank and CIBC, at a competitive disadvantage.而这则令加拿大的主要银行,比如丰业银行,道明银行金融集团,皇家银行和帝国商业银行,在竞争中处于不利地位。

7.CIBC decpned to comment on the reports, including one by its own investment banking arm.加拿大帝国商业银行拒绝就相关报道置评,其中包括该行自己投资银行部门的一份报告。

8.Actually, Canada Post kept on working in Toronto, so the forms should have arrived at CIBC InvestorsEdge if everything else was normal.事实上,加拿大邮局的多伦多部分那天还在工作,因此,如果其他一切正常的话,那些表应该已经到了“死而必死”的投资部。

9.How could I sign that sent out apppcation at the CIBC branch?那份申请表在投资部,我到分行去往哪儿签字?

10.CIBC, Canada's fifth-largest bank, is facing subprime- related writedowns in excess of C$2bn (US$1. 97bn) next year, analysts said.分析师表示,加拿大第五大银行——加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)明年面临的次贷相关资产减损将超过20亿加元(合19.7亿美元)。