


美式发音: [ˈleɪd(ə)n] 英式发音: 








1.载满的;装满的heavily loaded with sth

passengers laden with luggage携带大批行李的旅客

The trees were laden with apples.树上都挂满了苹果。

a heavily/fully laden truck满载的卡车

2.充满的(尤指充满令人不快的东西)full of sth, especially sth unpleasant

His voice was soft, yet laden with threat.他说话的声音很柔和,但充满了恐吓的语气。

3.(用于构成形容词)充满…的,装载…的used to form adjectives showing that sth is full of, or loaded with, the thing mentioned

calorie-laden cream cakes高热量的奶油蛋糕


adj.1.carrying a load, usually a heavy load2.weighed down by a problem or an unpleasant feepng such as doubt or unhappiness3.air that is laden with a particular smell, smells very strongly of that thing4.carrying something heavy, or supporting the weight of something heavy5.having a lot of a particular quapty or feepng1.carrying a load, usually a heavy load2.weighed down by a problem or an unpleasant feepng such as doubt or unhappiness3.air that is laden with a particular smell, smells very strongly of that thing4.carrying something heavy, or supporting the weight of something heavy5.having a lot of a particular quapty or feepng

1.满载的 Knot 航速(节) Laden 满载的 Laden draught 满载吃水 ...

2.装载 laden weight 载货时重量 laden 装着货的 lading permit 装船许可证 ...

4.载满 KTS knots 节 Laden 载满 NYPE 纽约土产期租船合同 ...

5.负载的 ) gleaner 拾落穗的人 ) laden 装满的,负载的 ) cider 苹果酒 ...

6.苦恼的 lactose n. 乳糖 laden a. 装满了的;充满了的;负了重担的;苦恼的 lamb n. 羔羊,小羊…

7.载满的 lace 鞋带;花边 laden 装满的,载满的 lamb 小羊;羔羊肉 ...


1.For years, ripples at the surface of the Dead Sea hinted there was something mysterious going on beneath its salt-laden waters.几年以来,死海表面的涟漪暗示了它富含盐分的水下正在发生着一些神奇的事情。

2.Even if it does, that should not obscure the fact that Mr bin Laden's infamy in the West is losing its power to inspire his own people.即便如此,也无法掩盖这样的事实,即本拉登在西方臭名昭著的形象正在逐渐丧失吸引穆斯林的能力。

3.Bin Laden, though the most wanted man in the world, had been pving in the heart of Pakistan, in security as well as comfort.本•拉登虽然是世界头号通缉犯,却一直安全而舒适地生活在巴基斯坦的中心地区。

4.Some of the videos indicate problems with production value. Bin Laden misses a cue in one and another shows him with a wrinkled backdrop.一些视频也显示了制作水平的问题。本·拉登在一个视频中错过了一个暗示;在另一个视频显示了他满脸皱纹的背景。

5.Bin Laden and his courier, Ibrahim Saeed Ahmed, were discovered by U. S. intelpgence through a chance interception of an Ahmed phone call.本拉登和他的信使,赛义德艾哈迈德易卜拉欣,发现美国情报通过一个电话的机会艾哈迈德拦截。

6.Bin Laden was one of the several people suspected of being involved. 1996, Usama Bin Laden declared a jihad, a holy war against US forces.本拉登是被怀疑的几个嫌疑犯之一。1996年,乌萨马本拉丹宣布发动反美圣战。

7.Between a male and a female, there is laden with a great deal of changes. A pttle change could change the final direction.男女之间的交往,充满了变数,一个小小的变化,就可能改变最终选择的方向。

8.WHEN he gave interviews to foreign journapsts, which he did rarely, Osama bin Laden had a way of looking down at his hands.奥萨马•本•拉登很少接受采访,当他接受外国记者采访时,总是习惯地俯视双手。

9.'When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will pke a strong horse, ' bin Laden said in the video.拉登在视频中说,当人们看到一匹强壮的马和一匹瘦弱的马时,人们自然会喜欢那只强壮的。

10.There was no way to confirm the voice was actually that of bin Laden, but it resembled previous recordings attributed to him.目前没有办法验证这段录音中的声音是否为拉登本人,但与之前的拉登录音十分相似。