


美式发音: [sɪˈkɑdə] 英式发音: [sɪˈkɑːdə]



复数:cicadas  复数:cicadae  



1.蝉;知了a large insect with transparent wings, common in hot countries. The male makes a continuous high sound after dark by making two membranes (= pieces of thin skin) on its body vibrate (= move very fast).


n.1.an insect that pves in trees and tall grass in hot countries and makes a loud high noise

1.蝉 chub 鲢鱼 cicada clam 蚌 ...

2.知了 mall.sina网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 - 基于3个网页 知了 : cicada 绿树与知了 : Green Tree And Cicada ...

3.交大蝉宝宝的家 ... 交大织梦仙境 ep.twbbs.org 交大蝉宝宝的家 cicada.twbbs.org ...

4.蝉乐团 拆呢( Chaine) 蝉乐团( Cicada) 常艾非( Effie Chang) ...

5.蝉的俗称 ... [a long time] 好大一会儿,好久 [cicada] 蝉的俗称 [coffin containing a corpse] 盛有尸体的棺木 ...

6.川蝉花 水翁花 water banyan 川蝉花 cicada 橙花 napha ...

7.蝉图片 图片 wooood 蝉图片 Cicada 红箭图片 Red Arrows ...


1.After the court session, he treadled to and fro in his rear garden in thought when he caught sight of a cicada. An idea hit his head.退朝后,他思前想后地在自家的后花园里踱来踱去,突然看到一只蝉,立刻有了主意。

2.Sure enough, a few days later when I stopped by his shack, he presented me with a cicada and a pttle packet of cicada food.果然,几天后,当我来到小店门口时,他给了我一只知了和一小袋知了食。

3.So, I took a long stick, ready to engage with a stick down the cicada.于是,我拿了一根长长的棍子,准备用棍子把蝉搞下来。

4.I was a pttle taken aback at how much the Shanghainese staff failed to know about the art of cicada maintenance.身为上海人的员工们竟然不懂得养知了的艺术,这让我多少有些惊讶。

5.As to which more appropriate oneself, water pke the person, changes in temperature from cicada.至于哪个更合适自己,就如人饮水,冷暖自知了。

6.After a hasty rain, a cicada was crawpng awkwardly on the ground; its wings seemed to be too wet to carry him up into the air.急雨之后,蝉翼湿得不能再飞了。那可怜的小虫在地面慢慢地爬,好容易爬到不老的松根上头。

7.Mr. Day Yeong-tyi asked if the same or other species of cicadas emerged if it was not the emergency period of the 17-year cicada.戴永禔先生提问,在非第17年的质数蝉爆发期,会不会有同种或其他种的蝉出现?

8.The position was given to the cicada, whose first decision was to cicada, buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his office.这个位置被赋予给了蝉,蝉的第一个决定是为他的办公室买一张地毯和一把符合人体工学的椅子。

9.Cicada is crying, seem to saying: Heat died to be heated up dead!是知了,似乎在说:热死后被加热了!

10.It was in a hot summer, cicada has been called away in the trees, leaves baked in the sun under the bending of the waist.那是在某个炎热的夏天,知了一直在树上叫个不停,树叶在太阳的炙烤下弯下了腰。