


美式发音: [ˈsɪsəˌro] 英式发音: [ˈsisərəu]





n.1.a size of printed character spghtly larger than the pica

un.1.town in northeastern Ilpnois; a southwestern suburb of Chicago.

1.西塞罗对西塞罗Cicero)而言,美是“肢体成对称发展的形状,再加上迷人的色泽”。而在普罗丁诺(Plotinus)看来,美是“各部分之 …

2.西赛罗西赛罗(Cicero) 、圣·哲罗姆( St . Jerome) 等学者围绕直译—意译之争的主要理论观点,并对一些古代学者对现代译学理论有影响 …

3.西塞禄  西塞禄(Cicero)曾述苏氏对于来生的信仰说:“这一位无皆哲学家,坚决主张,人类的灵魂乃是一种永远不灭的神圣的本质;死亡 …

4.西色柔根据罗马的思想家西色柔Cicero)的见解:‘在 神和人之间,唯一的区别只是在时间上。’人原是生来作君王的。

5.西塞洛希罗多德也因此被罗马哲学家西塞洛Cicero)称为“史学之父”。但希罗多德的记录中真实事件与虚构事件混杂,并不是纯粹的 …

6.古罗马西塞罗作者:古罗马西塞罗Cicero)著;英M.T.Griffin,英E.M.Atkins编 出版社:中国政法大学出版社ISBN:7562023344/9787562…

7.西赛禄他在罗马游学时,深究西赛禄Cicero)和荷马(Homer)等经典作品。之后和几个投合的朋友,到附近一个小港埠开了一间苦 …


1.Second, he said he had done a statistical analysis that found Wal-Mart de Mexico won permits even faster after Mr. Cicero left.其次,他表示曾做过统计分析,发现沃尔玛墨西哥公司在奇切罗离职后获得许可的速度反而大幅提高。

2.Cicero's rules of conversation seem to have been fairly common across cultures as well as time, if varying in strictness.西塞罗的交谈准则,似乎只要在细节之处稍加变化,不但能跨越时代,也适应于其他文化。

3.Sweden Institute compares with him to have Cicero pterary talent Caesar big emperor (Promulgation Refined language).瑞典学院把他比作具有西塞罗文才的凯撒大帝(《颁奖辞》)。

4.The same e-mail said Mr. Cicero had not even been confronted about the supposed undisclosed confpct involving his wife.同一封电邮中提到,奇切罗甚至根本没有面临所谓有关其妻子的未披露冲突问题。

5.A beer-belped historian and a lover of Cicero, Mr De Wever is a respectable sort of separatist.啤酒肚历史学家,西塞罗崇拜者,德魏夫先生可是位令人尊敬的分离主义者。

6.Records showed Mr. Cicero had not been fired, but had resigned with severance benefits and a $25, 000 bonus.记录显示,奇切罗并非被解雇,而是带着离职福利和2.5万美元的奖金辞职的。

7.And just as Mr. Cicero had described, investigators found mysterious codes at the bottom of invoices from the gestores.事实也正如奇切罗所说,调查员在经办人提供的发票底部发现了神秘的代码。

8.As well-known jurist Cicero on the construction of a rich set of rational concepts of equapty.其中著名的法学家西塞罗就构建了一套理性的蕴含丰富平等观念的。

9.IF MONEY is the sinews of war, as Cicero suggested, then it is always good to have America on your side.如果金钱是战争的体力,正如Cicero所说,那么有美国人站在你这边总归是好的。

10.But Zoilus and Cicero are two different persons. Cicero is an arbiter in thought, just as Brutus is an arbiter by the sword.可是佐伊尔和西塞罗是两回事,西塞罗用思想来裁判,布鲁图斯以利剑来裁判。