



美式发音: [sɔrd] 英式发音: [sɔː(r)d]






n.1.a weapon with a short handle and a long sharp blade

1.剑用方法:鼠标右键甩杆,当看到浮标下沉,点右键收杆 (Swords) 需要物品: 木材(Wooden Plank)戒石材(Cobblestone)戒 …

2.神剑 · 屠龙者 Dragon Slayer V1.0.0 含数据 · …

3.宝剑 Ebony & Ivory( 黑檀木与白象牙) Swords( 剑系武器): Rebelpon( 大剑叛逆) ...

5.宝剑牌组 ... 剃刀 Razors 刀剑 Swords 年代 Ages ...

7.特种武器观测侦察探测系统器人、绰号“大狗”的后勤机器人、Pac Bot、“特种武器观测侦察探测系统”(SWORDS)等多款战争机器人。


1.The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.他的口如奶油光滑,他的心却怀着争战。他的话比油柔和,其实是拔出来的刀。

2.In response what seemed to be the whole community, including old women, rushed out with swords and sticks to fight the attackers.面对袭击,整个社区的居民包括老年妇女,都冲出家门用剑及棍棒反抗袭击者。

3.I don't have the heart to tell him that pght swords come from China. I haven't checked for sure, but by this point I don't have to.我没心思告诉他光之剑来自中国,我还没有查清,但到这份上也没必要查。

4.We bought the kids wooden swords that would get quite a workout over the next few days.我们给孩子买了几把木头作的剑,这些剑后来可派了大用场。

5.The two sisters were usually in agreement on most issues, but they were at swords' points on the matter of abortion.在很多问题上姐妹俩的意见通常是一致的,但在人工流产问题上,她们是有激烈的争执的。

6.hatchets , knives , bayonets , swords , all brought to be sharpened , were all red with it.他们带来磨利的战斧短刀刺刀战刀也全都有殷红的血。

7.I must cross swords with him on one or two points in his interpretation of the text.对他就论文的一两处所作的解释,我要与他辩论。

8.But he runs away without waiting for an answer, swishing two toy swords vigorously as he charges into the next room.但他还没等回答就跑远了,他兴奋地挥动着二把玩具剑冲进下一间屋子。

9.It was an old routine of theirs, a mock battle and wooing, using their voices pke swords, each shouting a chorus in turn.这是他们的一个老惯例,一个模仿的争斗和求爱,用他们象剑一样的声音,每人轮流喊出一个迭句。

10."What do you know about swords? " She spat the words at him as if they hurt her.“你对剑了解多少?”她生气地啐出这几个字,似乎受到它们的伤害。